Schecter MV-6 MPUR 電吉他 烏木指板 小搖座 紫色
- 經典、舒適的琴身設計與現代硬件配置
- 椴木琴體,雕刻舒適,具有出色的掌握。
- 多功能、精簡的 HS 拾音器配置,具有串聯和並聯選擇!
- 螺栓固定式琴頸,具有“薄 C”型輪廓和輪廓頸跟。
- 快速烏木指板配有 24 個特大琴衍,可實現平滑、準確的彎曲。
- 由 3 個 Schecter Diamond 351 單線圈拾音器驅動的現代音色
- 獨特的 5 路超級開關保證了雙線圈和單線圈的廣泛選擇使用
- 優質硬件,包括鎖定 Schecter 調音弦鈕和象牙色 TUSQ 上弦枕
- 2 點顫音琴橋提供大膽的調音穩定性!
SCHECTER MV-6 MPUR 電吉他不僅在表現上優越,在外觀上同樣引人注目。白色的塗裝搭配小搖桿的經典造型,呈現出現代感十足的外觀風格。無論您的演奏風格如何,這款吉他都能成為您的音樂夥伴,為您帶來卓越的演奏體驗。


是 HS 還是三單線圈配置?從技術上來說,兩者都是!MV-6 具有類似 HSS 的多功能性,涵蓋從琴橋雙線圈拾音器緊縮到琴頸單線圈清晰度的所有需求,滿足您對單線圈和雙線圈拾音器的所有需求。該系列配備了 5 路 Super Switch 選擇器和三個 Diamond 351 單線圈拾音器。
Diamond 351 是 Schecter 的複古風格創作,充滿了現代風格的搖滾即興演奏。請放心,MV-6 的琴橋雙線圈、琴橋單線圈和琴頸單線圈位置涵蓋了所有基本音色。Super Switch 通過雙單線圈“中間”位置將 HS 音色更進一步,Schecter 展現了真正加州經典的魔力。

如今,許多吉他都配備了並行拾音器接線,這使得 MV-6 的串聯接線選項對於堅定的音色追求者來說更加有吸引力。
並聯和串聯各有優缺點,但 MV-6 不會讓您做出選擇。選擇器位置 1 和 4 提供沉重的系列音調,具有強勁的馬力,特別適合高增益。
G6 Series Solid Top Grand Auditorium Cutaway w/ Fishman EQ
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world class construction, the G6 Grand Auditorium is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air
the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X Bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
G6 Solid Top Grand Auditorium w/Cutaway and Fishman EQ
Grand Auditorium w Cutaway
Top Material: Solid Spruce
Headstock Inlay: Recording King Classic
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world-class construction, the RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air, the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X-bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium offers simple elegance for players who want great sound and volume with a simple,
clean design. Other features include a solid spruce top and bone nut and saddle for classic tone and sustain, a simple,
, yet aesthetically pleasing tortoise rosette, easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a great go-to guitar for stage or studio work.

反拍樂器 實體門市
- Tuners弦鈕:Schecter Locking
Fretboard Material 指板材質:烏木 EBONY
Neck Material 琴頸材質:非洲雞翅木 Wenge
Inlays 指板圖騰:Aluminum Offset Circles
Side Dot Markers側邊圖騰:Dots
Scale:25.5" (648 mm)
Neck Shape 琴頸手感:Thin "C"
Thickness:1st Fret 0.787" (20mm) - 12th Fret 0.866" (22mm)
Frets 琴衍:24 X-Jumbo
Fretboard Radius 指板半徑:14" (355mm)
Nut 上弦枕:Graph Tech XL Ivory Tusq
Nut Width 上弦枕寬度:1.65" (42mm)
Truss Rod 桁架桿:2-Way Adjustable Rod w/ Heel Access Spoke Wheel
- Hardware Color 配件顏色:Chrome
- Top Contour 頂部輪廓:Flat Top
- Dexterity:Right Handed
- Construction:Bolt-On with Ultra Access
- Body Material 琴身材質:Basswood
- Bridge 琴橋:Schecter 2-Point Tremolo with Stainless Steel Saddles
- Controls 控制項:Volume/Tone/5-Way SuperSwitch
- Bridge Pickup 琴橋拾音器:Schecter Diamond 351
- Neck Pickup琴頸拾音器:Schecter Diamond 351
- Middle Pickup中段拾音器:Schecter Diamond 351