Universal Audio Volt 476 錄音介面 TYPE-C
Universal Audio 為合作者創造了 Volt 476——從樂隊和製作人到直播者和內容創作者——希望輕鬆地錄製具有大工作室音調的大型項目。直接插入您的 Mac、PC、iPad 或 iPhone,Volt 就會出現,準備好以傳奇的聲音捕捉您的作品,由 Universal Audio 提供。

Volt 476 出自為您帶來改變遊戲規則的 Apollo 接口的團隊,提供卓越的錄音室音質,比同類 USB 接口更具特色和音色。

很少有聲音可以與老式 Universal Audio 610 電子管前置放大器相媲美,用於錄製從 Ray Charles 到 Van Halen 的所有人。Volt 276 為您提供這款標誌性 UA 前置放大器的豐富、完整的聲音,這要歸功於其 UA 獨有的內置電子管仿真電路。

使用 UA 壓縮控制音量峰值
使用 Volt 476 的板載 76 Compressor(受 UA 著名的 1176 Limiting Amplifier 啟發的創新模擬電路)獲得專輯準備就緒的衝擊力和臨場感。76 Compressor 具有三個完美定制的預設來馴服聲音、吉他、合成器和鼓機。只需插入,選擇一個設置,然後播放。

Volt 476 為您提供簡單的 4 進/4 出音頻連接。只需將您的麥克風、吉他或合成器插入前面板即可。然後連接您的揚聲器或耳機以無延遲地監控您的音頻。使用 Volt,您將像專業人士一樣快速生產。

粉絲頁直接詢問 :
True wireless headset
Make connection and communication more intuitive
music, everywhere
Body design that is not easy to get tired after wearing for a long time
Comes with four sizes of earplugs that enhance the fit and provide the best sound quality performance
The body structure design that fits the ear shape completely allows even people with small ears to wear it.
The body material is easy to handle and not easy to drop.
Earplugs made of comfortable and soft silicone are available in four sizes (XS, S, M, L).
Correspondence can be made according to the size of each person’s ears of different sizes.
Lightweight charging case that is easy to carry around
A newly designed charging box that can be grasped with one hand and is light and portable.
The angle design of the earphones is easy to take out, so that the earphones are taken out and stored more smoothly.
And use the same material that is not easy to slip off as the body of the headset.
High waterproof performance IPX5/7* that can be easily washed
If you are concerned about the moisture, sweat and dirt remaining on the earphones after use, you can simply clean it with water.
With high waterproof function, you don’t have to worry even if you accidentally fall into the water.
JIS/IEC protection grade IPX5 means that the earphones are protected and will not be affected by being sprayed with water,
and IPX7 means that they will not be affected by being immersed in water.
Do not use headphones in hot and humid places such as bathrooms.