
Ultimate Ears MiniRoll 攜帶式藍牙喇叭 黑色

Ultimate Ears MiniRoll 攜帶式藍牙喇叭 黑色 擁有 IP67 認證,可有效防塵、防水、防汙,甚至能承受高達 1.2 公尺的跌落衝擊。並提供長達 12 小時 的續航力!

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NT$2,081 NT$2,190

Ultimate Ears MiniRoll 攜帶式藍牙喇叭 黑色

  • 高品質全頻音效,最高可達 86dB,迷你機身設計,體積小於 12.7cm × 12.7cm × 5cm
  • IP67 認證,防水、防塵、防污,並可承受最高 1.2m 高度跌落
  • 掛環設計,可輕鬆固定於衣物、腰帶、表面、固定裝置、包包掛環等
  • 可充電鋰電池,提供最長 12 小時的不間斷高保真聆聽體驗
  • 131 英尺(約 40m)無線範圍,確保穩定連接,不影響舒適性與便利性
  • 多設備相容,支援最多 2 台藍牙設備同時連接,簡化音源管理
  • 內建藍牙 Auracast,可透過 PartyUp 同步功能連接多個 MiniRoll 喇叭同時播放音樂
  • 採用至少 40% 消費後回收材料製造,環保永續設計


Logitech MiniRoll 輕巧型藍牙喇叭是一款適用於各種場景的全能音響,帶來清晰透徹、隨身攜帶的音效體驗。雖然體積小巧,但 MiniRoll 依然能輸出強勁低音、清晰中音和透亮高音,最高音量可達 86dB,讓音樂愛好者驚艷於其細膩且震撼的音質。

然而,作為一款便攜式喇叭,優異的音質若無法隨時隨地發揮,又有什麼用呢?幸好 LogitechMiniRoll 設計了堅固耐用的防護結構,擁有 IP67 認證,可有效防塵、防水、防汙,甚至能承受高達 1.2 公尺(4 英尺) 的跌落衝擊。不論是湖畔放鬆、登山健行、騎車兜風,還是城市漫步,MiniRoll 都能隨時陪伴,並提供長達 12 小時 的續航力!

MiniRoll 背面配有固定掛繩,方便掛在任何物品、衣物或支架上。此外,它可同時連接 兩個不同的音訊來源,提升使用彈性。更令人驚喜的是,它支援 Auracast 藍牙技術,讓你能夠串聯無限數量的 MiniRoll 喇叭,打造專屬的「音牆」系統!唯一需要注意的是,設備需保持在 40 公尺(131 英尺) 的有效範圍內,以確保最佳連線品質。


亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

This model is part of Fender’s Traditional II series, which honors the brand’s rich history while incorporating contemporary features.

The guitar features a gloss-finished basswood body, providing a balanced tonal foundation.

The White Blonde (WBL) finish offers a sleek, timeless appearance. – **Neck:** Equipped with a 9.5-inch radius “U”-shaped maple neck, it provides comfortable playability suitable for various playing styles.

The neck is adorned with 21 vintage-style frets, enhancing its classic appeal. – **Pickups:** The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

_The vintage-style string-through-body bridge with three brass saddles contributes to its resonant sound.

As a limited edition model, the **Fender Japan LTD Traditional II 50S Tele MN WBL** is not widely available.

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a guitar that combines Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

t features a gloss-finished ash body, a “U”-shaped maple neck with a 9.5-inch radius, and 21 vintage-style frets,

offering a comfortable playing experience.

The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

A 6-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge ensures stable tuning and intonation. The natural finish highlights the ash body’s grain,

giving it a timeless aesthetic. A soft case is included for protection and portability._

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a distinguished electric guitar that merges Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

This model features a gloss-finished ash body, providing both aesthetic appeal and a resonant tonal quality.

The “U”-shaped maple neck, complemented by a 9.5-inch radius fingerboard and 21 vintage-style frets,

offers a comfortable playing experience reminiscent of 1970s Fender guitars.

Equipped with original pickups selected specifically for the Traditional series,

this Telecaster delivers authentic, musical vintage tones. The six-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge

ensures precise intonation and sustain. Additionally, the slightly narrower nut width caters to players seeking enhanced playability.








反拍樂器 實體門市

貨號: 11001040 分類: ,


  • 供電方式:是
  • 喇叭配置:1 x 1.79” 驅動單體,1 x 1.49” 輻射器
  • 連接類型:藍牙
  • USB 端口:1 x USB-C
  • 電源:可充電鋰電池
  • 電池續航:每次充電最長 12 小時
  • 外殼等級:IP67 防護等級
  • 適用場景:室內、戶外

反拍樂器 實體門市