Squier Classic Vibe 60S J BASS DPB 蒂芬尼藍
Squier Classic Vibe 60S J BASS DPB 蒂芬尼藍
- 100% 由 Fender 設計
- 靈感來自 1960 年代的爵士貝斯模型
- Fender 設計的 Alnico 拾音器
- 復古色調光澤頸部飾面
- 鍍鎳硬件
爵士貝斯於 1960 年首次推出,經受住了時間的考驗,成為現代音樂史上演奏和錄製最多的樂器之一。受原版的啟發,Squier Classic Vibe ’60s Jazz Bass 是一款價格實惠的樂器,具有經典的 J Bass 偏置腰身、快速琴頸和雙單線圈拾音器。Squier 的 Classic Vibe ’60s J Bass 彈奏起來非常舒適,讓您輕鬆完成極其緊湊的跑動和凹槽。當然,它還提供了只有一對 Jazz Bass 拾音器才能獲得的具有傳奇色彩的強勁低音。
儘管多功能的 Classic Vibe 60s Jazz Bass 在任何環境中聽起來都很棒,但它確實在依靠經典的蹼狀、咆哮的低音的音樂風格上大放異彩。話雖如此,您可以通過混合 Fender 設計的 Alnico 單線圈拾音器的音量來獲得無數的音色。無論您演奏搖滾樂還是鄉村樂曲,放克樂還是藍調,還是(天生的)爵士樂,Classic Vibe ’60s Jazz Bass 都能提供您需要的音色。

使 J Bass 立即受到工作貝斯手的歡迎的原因之一是其獨特的偏置腰身形狀。無論是站立演奏還是坐著演奏,經典的 Jazz Bass 輪廓琴體都將讓那些馬拉松演出和會議更加舒適。憑藉其纖細的 C 型琴頸,琴枕處僅 1.5″ 寬,這款樂器最初旨在吸引爵士貝斯手。細長的琴頸不僅有助於流暢地執行快速、複雜的低音線條;它非常適合任何音樂風格 —這就是為什麼您會在各種音樂類型中聽到爵士貝斯。
First introduced in 1960, theJazz Bass has withstood the test of time to become one of the most played and recorded instruments in modern music history
As roundwound strings and brighter bass sounds became popular in the 1970s
a number of modifications were made to the J Bass to accommodate the changing
tastes in music production; most notably, maple fingerboards and a back pickup moved
As roundwound strings and brighter bass sounds became popular in the 1970s
a number of modifications were made to the J Bass to accommodate the changing
closer to the bridge. The Squier Classic Vibe ’70s Jazz Bass captures this funky vibe in an incredibly
affordable instrument with the classic J Bass offset-waist body, fast-action neck, and dual single-coil
pickups. Squier’s Classic Vibe ’70s Jazz Bass is remarkably comfortable to play and lets
you pull off extremely tight runs and grooves with ease. Of course, it also
delivers the legendary punchy bass sound you can only get from a pair of Jazz Bass pickups.
This Jazz Bass offerstimeless single-coil bass sound
Although the versatile Classic Vibe ’70s Jazz Bass sounds great in just about any context, it really shines on musical