Sennheiser MK4 聲海塞爾 電容式麥克風
- 高品質錄音:Sennheiser MK4 使用先進的電容式技術,提供清晰、自然的聲音表現,捕捉音樂和聲音的細節,呈現出色的錄音品質。
- 廣泛應用:這款麥克風適用於多種應用場景,包括錄音室錄製、現場演出、廣播、對話錄製等,滿足不同需求的錄音任務。
- 優雅設計:MK4 的外觀設計簡約優雅,展現出專業音頻設備的高品質和品味。
- 抗震降噪:配備內置的抗震降噪組件,有效減少來自外界的振動和噪音,保證純淨的錄音效果。
- 耐用可靠:採用高品質材料製造,確保耐用性和可靠性,適合長時間和頻繁使用。
如果你正在尋找一款全能型麥克風,不用再尋覓了。從原聲吉他到人聲,甚至是鼓頭以上的錄音,MK 4的頻率響應經過精心調整,確保對聲源的自然還原,使其成為任何家庭或專案錄音室的理想選擇。它能夠準確地重現如此廣泛的聲音範圍,主要得益於其1英寸真正電容胶囊。沒有花哨的東西,沒有噱頭。只有堅實的工程和優雅的設計。

MK 4的1英寸真正電容胶囊的核心是一個24K純金響應振膜。聽起來像是花哨的行銷宣傳詞,對吧?儘管如此,MK 4之所以設計成這樣,是有原因的。事實證明,黃金是優秀的電信號導體,同時可以防止隨著時間的推移而腐蝕。再加上心形指向性圖案,你將擁有一款準備好錄製任何放在它前面的聲音的單一麥克風。
G6 Series Solid Top Grand Auditorium Cutaway w/ Fishman EQ
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world class construction, the G6 Grand Auditorium is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air
the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X Bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
G6 Solid Top Grand Auditorium w/Cutaway and Fishman EQ
Grand Auditorium w Cutaway
Top Material: Solid Spruce
Headstock Inlay: Recording King Classic
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world-class construction, the RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air, the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X-bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium offers simple elegance for players who want great sound and volume with a simple,
clean design. Other features include a solid spruce top and bone nut and saddle for classic tone and sustain, a simple,
, yet aesthetically pleasing tortoise rosette, easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a great go-to guitar for stage or studio work.
反拍樂器 實體門市
- 尺寸: 160 x 57 毫米(長 x 直徑)
- 頻率響應: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
- 重量: 485 克
- 名義阻抗: 約50 Ω
- 最小終端阻抗: 1000 Ω
- AF靈敏度: 25 mV/Pa
- 等效噪音水平: 10 dB(A)
- 最大聲壓級(被動模式): 140 dB
- 電源供應: 48 V幻象供電(P48)
- 電流消耗: 3.1 mA
- 動態範圍: 130 dB