Sennheiser IE500 PRO BLACK 入耳式 監聽耳機 黑透明
- 全新開發 7mm 超寬頻動圈單體
- TrueResponse 低失真單體系統
- 完美無懈可擊的全方位監聽表現
- 符合人體工學的微型外殼
- 有利於吵雜環境的高效率隔音設計
- 獨家抗拉扯耐用全新線材結構
IE 500 PRO讓音樂家能夠可靠地找到自己在音樂混音中的位置,並聽到最高音量舞台上其他聲音或樂器的每個細微差異。低阻抗系統在高聲壓水平下表現清晰且無失真,這要歸功於TrueResponse技術。高解析度,強勁的中音範圍,準確的音場,以及堅固的設計適合任何舞台…IE 500 PRO代表著IE系列整體的理念:MoreMe。感知更多,擁有更多控制,自信地在混音中找到自己的聲音。

密集開發工作的成果:單一高性能動態驅動器 – 需要一個直徑僅為7毫米的振膜 – 涵蓋了整個頻譜。這樣一來,在過渡頻率和相位差的區域內避免了干擾效應。磁鐵系統帶有三通風口,顯著降低了失真因素,而指向耳道的雙室吸收器則最大程度地減少了本來可能發生的回響峰值。結果:即使在高聲壓水平下,聲音保持清晰,無失真。因此,IE 500 PRO保護您的聽力 – 即使在最高音量的舞台上使用數小時也如此。對於之前在混音中迷失的專業人士,他們的聲音突然變得可聽。
IE 500 PRO還能在您的耳朵中舒適且安全地佩戴數小時。可以選擇矽膠或黏彈性記憶泡棉耳塞,根據您的耳道結構和深度進行個性化適配,讓您穿戴舒適、可靠。耐用且創新的電纜導管與深度插頭連接器使IE 500 PRO能夠在舞台上度過艱苦的表演之夜,一次又一次。

IE 500 PRO 提供工作室音效的動態入耳式監聽耳機:顯著力度、清晰高頻以及通透的中音域重現。微型 7mm 驅動器採用新開發的 TrueResponse 技術,可確保無雜訊和無失真的音效。IE 500 PRO 採用符合人體工程學的設計,舒適穩固且堅固耐用,可適用於任何場合。
G6 Series Solid Top Grand Auditorium Cutaway w/ Fishman EQ
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world class construction, the G6 Grand Auditorium is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air
the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X Bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
G6 Solid Top Grand Auditorium w/Cutaway and Fishman EQ
Grand Auditorium w Cutaway
Top Material: Solid Spruce
Headstock Inlay: Recording King Classic
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world-class construction, the RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air, the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X-bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium offers simple elegance for players who want great sound and volume with a simple,
clean design. Other features include a solid spruce top and bone nut and saddle for classic tone and sustain, a simple,
, yet aesthetically pleasing tortoise rosette, easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a great go-to guitar for stage or studio work.
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