Sennheiser HD660S 開放式 耳罩耳機
HD 660S 力量與控制的完美結合
HD 660S 是一款氣勢強大的開放式耳機,具備豐富的功能性,讓你細膩感受每一個音樂細節。

HD 660 S 專為要求苛刻的聽眾打造,超越了其前身傳奇 HD 650 的卓越性能。 HD 660 S 具有清脆的低音、出色的中頻響應和柔和、悅耳自然的高音,其表現力可讓您沉浸在音樂的每一種情感和細微差別中。儘管如此,它始終保持異常準確和透明。
HD 660 S 採用由 Sennheiser 開發的全新換能器設計。由於採用了專門製造的精密不銹鋼織物,該織物適合膜片的輪廓,因此改進了對膜片運動的控制。極輕的鋁音圈確保最高的脈衝保真度。傳感器經過精心挑選並手工配對,以確保始終保持較窄的 (±1 dB) 容差。

HD 660 S 旨在享受來自許多不同音頻源的最高質量的音樂。由於其低阻抗,它還為高分辨率移動播放器提供參考級保真度。自然地,當 HD 660 S 連接到專用耳機放大器(例如 HDV 820)的平衡輸出或移動數字音頻播放器的平衡輸出時,它就會展現出它的全部潛力。因此,它提供了適用於任何場合的電纜選擇。所有電纜均由高導電性 OFC 銅製成,具有極低的操作噪音和堅固的對位芳綸增強材料。
HD 660 S 的一切都讓聆聽成為一種純粹的樂趣——尤其是其堅固而輕巧的開放式結構。橢圓形耳罩的形狀符合耳朵的解剖結構,而頭帶上的厚墊和可更換的耳墊保證了數小時的最高舒適度聆聽。
HD 660 S 純淨而輕鬆的聲音體現在其全新的啞光黑色和無菸煤色設計中。它是一種高端美學,融合了永恆的優雅和現代風格——毫不妥協的工藝,就像 HD660S 的一切一樣。

Unrivalled stereo sound From classical to contemporary, every music genre is enhanced by the bespoke 7 mm dynamic drivers of the new MOMENTUM True Wireless 2 earbuds thanks to its deep bass, natural mids and clear, detailed treble.
Plus, you can now tailor your listening experience with built-in equalizers and enjoy amazing sound quality on your terms.
Your sound. Your focus. Concentrate on the right thing at the right time with the MOMENTUM True Wireless 2.
Switch off your surroundings and dive into that impactful song, important episode or impromptu call with the new Active Noise Cancellation feature.
Working in tandem with the earbuds’ excellent passive noise isolation, you now get to enjoy incredible high-fidelity sound even in noisy environments.
Then seamlessly bring your focus back and listen to what’s around you thanks to Transparent Hearing.
Comfortable all-day listening Up to 28 hours play time Experience uninterrupted play time with the new 7-hour battery life that can be extended up to 28 hours with the charging case.
Improved ergonomic design In the mood for a movie marathon? With its ergonomic design, you can experience unbeatable sound in unbelievable comfort.
Intuitive to your needs Customizable controls Control your volume, music and calls with customisable touchpad technology built into both earbuds.
Voice Assistant support Easily activate Google Assistant and Apple Siri at the touch of a button and hear their replies loud and clear.
Smart pause Never miss a second of your favorite song. Smart Pause automatically stops when your earbuds are removed and seamlessly resumes when you put them back.