Sennheiser HD490 PRO PLUS 專業監聽錄音室開放式耳機
- 開放式耳罩式錄音室耳機,用於精確的音訊製作和監聽
- 板載釹磁鐵和卓越的驅動器設計提供豐富、平衡的聲場,實現準確的聆聽
- 寬頻率響應真實地再現了您的整個混音
- 開放式框架架構可最大限度地減少總諧波失真
- 2 個可互換耳墊可改變音調並最大限度地減少耳朵疲勞
- 降噪專利電纜線圈設計
- 低頻氣壓缸系統增強底端解釋
- 自適應右耳和左耳插孔,適用於各種錄音室設置
- 包含 Dear Reality DearVR MIX-SE 插件,可實現進階空間混合的可能性
- HD490 Pro Plus 配套的 3m 電纜、額外的替換頭帶和攜帶包
Sennheiser HD490 PRO
- 1.8m 連接線
- 3.0m 連接線
- 小轉大 轉接頭
- 絲絨材質絲絨耳墊(已安裝在耳機上)
- 織布材質混音耳墊
Sennheiser HD490 PRO PLUS
- 1.8m 連接線
- 3.0m 連接線
- 小轉大 轉接頭
- 絲絨材質絲絨耳墊(已安裝在耳機上)
- 織布材質混音耳墊
- 收納盒
- 額外的頭梁帶各一組(製作/混音)
Sennheiser HD490 Pro Plus 真實的監聽輸出是成功混音的關鍵!
Sennheiser HD490 Pro Plus 耳機完成了這項工作。這些手機配備低頻氣壓缸系統和板載釹磁鐵,可確保在寬頻率範圍內提供平衡、真實的音場和足夠的清晰度。首先,降噪專利電纜線圈設計和開放式框架架構可確保最小化干擾噪音,使您的混音訊號盡可能穩定且真實。 HD 490 配備兩個具有幾何角度設計的可互換耳墊,您的耳朵將始終處於「最佳聽音位置」。

捆綁的 DearVR MIX-SE 軟體
除了 Sennheiser HD 490 Pro Plus 耳機之外,您還將收到 Dear Reality 的 DearVR MIX-SE 插件的副本。透過模擬卓越混音環境的聲場,dearVR MIX-SE 可讓您在多種情況下測試混音,而無需離開工作室辦公桌。同樣,插件中可調節的揚聲器位置允許您直接在 DAW 中設計您喜歡的監聽設置,確保無論您決定在何處工作,都可以實現錄音室品質的混音表現。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
Along with your Sennheiser HD 490 Pro headphones, you’ll receive a copy of Dear Reality’s dearVR MIX-SE plug-in.
By emulating the soundstage of superior mixing environments, dearVR MIX-SE grants you the ability to test your mix in several situations without having to leave the studio desk.
Likewise, adjustable speaker placement within the plug-in allows you to design your preferred monitoring setup directly in your DAW,
ensuring a studio-quality representation of your mix is available wherever you decide to work.
An authentic monitoring output is the key to a successful mix, and Sweetwater audio engineers agree:
Sennheiser nailed the job with HD 490 Pro headphones. Fit with a low-frequency cylinder system and onboard neodymium magnets,
these ‘phones ensure a balanced, honest soundstage with plenty of clarity through a wide frequency range.