
sE Electronics V7 MK 簽名款 動圈麥克風

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sE Electronics V7 MK 簽名款 動圈麥克風 邁爾斯·肯尼迪簽名版麥克風這款特別版是唯一一位Myles Kennedy的標誌性人聲麥克風。最出名的是在體育場內演出的搖滾樂隊Alter Bridge和Slash of Guns ‘n Roses 的主唱。

NT$5,510 NT$5,800

sE Electronics V7 MK 簽名款 動圈麥克風

介紹V7 MK:邁爾斯·肯尼迪簽名版麥克風

這款特別版 V7 MK 是唯一一位邁爾斯·肯尼迪 (Myles Kennedy ) 的標誌性人聲話筒。最出名的是在體育場內演出的搖滾樂隊Alter BridgeSlash of Guns ‘n Roses 的主唱,多年來一直在世界各地巡迴演出。


V7 MK 中的 DMC7 X 動圈振膜經過定制開發,可提供清脆、開放的聲音,以您在舞台上聽到的最自然的方式完美捕捉您的聲音 – 其複雜的超心形振膜設計有助於將您的聲音與其他人的聲音隔離開來儀器,確保在反饋之前獲得大量增益。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.


V7 MK 的專利防震架有效地將話筒與機械振動分離,與同類其他麥克風相比,提供極低的操作噪音。這意味著您可以在舞台上隨意走動,而不必擔心隆隆聲、砰砰聲或除您的聲音外的任何其他聲音。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks, and have specially-tuned capsules for stellar sound on the road for singers & instruments alike.


V7 MK 採用這種特殊鍍層帶來獨特的外觀和感覺,經久耐用的飾面在舞台或錄音室中給人留下了深刻的印象。


V7 MK 的公路設計是全金屬的——這裡沒有塑料部件。定制底盤的高品質、高度耐用的鋅合金設計用於承受舞台壓力多年,彈簧鋼網格柵防凹痕和無腐蝕,具有完美的可靠性。此外,經久耐用的飾面在任何舞台上都會給人留下深刻的印象。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks, and have specially-tuned capsules for stellar sound on the road for singers & instruments alike.


  • 麥克風

  • 麥克風夾

  • 螺紋適配器

  • 黑色內部擋風玻璃

  • 便攜袋

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If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks, and have specially-tuned capsules for stellar sound on the road for singers & instruments alike.

反拍樂器 實體門市




定向模式: 超心

頻率範圍: 30 Hz - 19 kHz

阻抗: 300 歐姆

靈敏度:  2.0 mV/Pa (-54 dB)

連接: 3 針公 XLR

直徑: 47 毫米(1.85 英寸)x  長度: 176 毫米(6.93 英寸)

重量:  269 克/9.49 盎司

反拍樂器 實體門市