
sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)

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sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom) 該V BEAT&V CLAMP:高級隔離和輕鬆的超音速,都以最小的足跡和最大的靈活性。無論是在舞台上還是舞台下,都能為任何軍鼓或嗵鼓提供毫不費力的驚人聲音。

NT$7,030 NT$7,400

sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)

該V BEAT&V CLAMP:高級隔離和輕鬆的超音速,都以最小的足跡和最大的靈活性。


V BEAT 是同類產品中最緊湊的鼓話筒,旨在與軍鼓或通鼓一起使用。與針對人聲優化的 V7 不同,V BEAT 具有與 V7 X 樂器動態相同的高級聲音性能,但具有專用的低調和適合鼓的外形。為樂器進行了調音,它也可用於電吉他音箱或銅管樂器等音源。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanksV Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.

sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)


If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.

V BEAT 採用極薄的機械設計,XLR 連接器和支架安裝在靈活的旋轉安裝座的底部平行集成。這最大限度地減少了 V BEAT 的佔地面積,從視線中移除了任何電纜,並且不需要任何直角適配器或特殊電纜。 這也意味著沒有電纜干擾鼓手演奏的危險,因為它們不受鈸和鼓棒的影響。 當與V CLAMP 一起使用時,V BEAT 變得更加緊湊和靈活。 V CLAMP 增加了另一個垂直運動軸,以獲得更好的精確定位能力,並使 V BEAT 牢固地固定在您的鼓輪上,同時幾乎不增加整體佔地面積。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.

sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)
sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)
其專門的極頭可為任何尺寸的軍鼓或嗵鼓提供非常詳細、極其自然的聲音特徵,並具有驚人的離軸抑制功能,以最大限度地減少附近鼓和鈸的滲漏。其超緊湊設計和平行 XLR 連接器和支架安裝使其在同類產品中佔用空間最小,其堅如磐石的旋轉安裝使其角度可以非常精確地調整 – 因此它幾乎可以對準鼓的任何部分頭來實現所需的任何聲音特徵。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.

sE Electronics V BEAT 小鼓音麥克風(Snare&Tom)

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If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound – and on drums, dynamics offer the powerful punch you need.sE’s V Series dynamics have the lowest handling noise in their class, are built like tanks.

反拍樂器 實體門市




定向模式: 超心

頻率範圍: 30 Hz - 19 kHz

阻抗: 300 歐姆

靈敏度:  2.0 mV/Pa (-54 dBV)

連接: 3 針公 XLR

高度: 61 毫米(2.4 英寸)x  長度: 110 毫米(4.3 英寸)

重量:  347 克(12.2 盎司)

V 夾規格

高度: 75 毫米(3.0 英寸)x  長度: 57 毫米(2.2 英寸)

重量:  93 克(3.3 盎司)

反拍樂器 實體門市