- 相容Mac,Windows,iOS和Android
- 錄製高達 192 kHz 和 24 位解析度
- 同類產品中最低的延遲和零延遲的耳機監聽
- 專為內容創作者、主播、播客和音樂家打造
- 直觀的增益、耳機監聽和靜音按鈕控制
- 集成的USB-C連接器提供了跨設備和程序的廣泛相容性

基於 sE 著名的電容話筒,NEOM USB 量身定製的 16 mm (2/3“) 心形話筒頭可確保高清清晰度和集中音訊捕獲。其前置設計和量身定製的心形指向模式可確保更多您和更少的不必要的房間反射,因此您可以隨時隨地錄製或直播,並獲得令人印象深刻的音訊品質。
NEOM USB 直觀的監聽和增益控制可實現製作高品質作品所需的靈活性,而無需學習麥克風或打開應用程式。通過集成在 NEOM 增益旋鈕中的智慧輸入電平 LED 直觀地管理麥克風靈敏度和增益結構,以便在直播或錄製時進行不間斷的快速調整。巧妙放置的LED靜音按鈕可即時控制廣播或錄製的內容。

錄製高達 192 KHZ 和 24 位解析度
得益於其集成的 USB C 埠,NEOM USB 具有 24 位解析度和高達 192 kHz 的採樣率,可與市場上領先的 USB 介面相媲美,在行動和桌面設備上實現無縫相容性。NEOM USB 在 iOS(帶有各種 Apple 配件)和 Android(帶有 Android 的 On-The-Go 適配器)上提供隨插即用體驗,讓您輕鬆捕捉瞬間。
作為多功能旅行伴侶,NEOM USB 配有堅固的全金屬桌面支架,並通過其通用麥克風軸和免費麥克風夾輕鬆與專業錄音室設備相容。

過去的USB麥克風使耳機電平調整和監聽變得困難。NEOM USB 具有用於麥克風電平和播放音量的獨立耳機音量旋鈕,可以完全控制您聽到的聲音以及每個音源的獨立聲音。NEOM USB 的監聽控件支持即時耳機調整,讓您在快節奏的直播和錄製過程中保持透明。

G6 Series Solid Top Grand Auditorium Cutaway w/ Fishman EQ
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world class construction, the G6 Grand Auditorium is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air
the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X Bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
G6 Solid Top Grand Auditorium w/Cutaway and Fishman EQ
Grand Auditorium w Cutaway
Top Material: Solid Spruce
Headstock Inlay: Recording King Classic
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world-class construction, the RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air, the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X-bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium offers simple elegance for players who want great sound and volume with a simple,
clean design. Other features include a solid spruce top and bone nut and saddle for classic tone and sustain, a simple,
, yet aesthetically pleasing tortoise rosette, easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a great go-to guitar for stage or studio work.