SE Electronics DM3 TNT DI訊號轉換器
- 主動式訊號轉接盒
- Ultra-HI-Z訊號處理可保留樂器的特性音色
- 輕鬆處理高達 10,000W 的強大訊號
- 可選擇的 -15dB 和 -30dB PAD 衰減器可輕鬆處理主動式樂器訊源
- 3 級接地升降開關可減少嗡嗡聲、接地環路和射頻干擾
- 鎖定卡扣端子1/4 英寸輸入插孔可防止意外斷開連接
- 緊實的金屬外殼處理使用和濫用,同時節省寶貴的空間
高品質 Hi-Z 輸入和近乎無限的動態範圍
對於DI盒,音頻質量是最重要的。借助 DM3 Dynamite 的超高阻抗樂器輸入,您將沉浸在乾淨、準確的聲音中。
輸入的阻抗測量值高達 10 兆歐,可保護您的音色免於退化。由於包含可切換的 -15dB 和 -30dB 衰減器,這款有源內聯 DI 可輕鬆處理功率放大器等響亮的聲源。
使用 DM3 直接盒,您將享受任何來源的最大清晰度,從低輸出拾音器到功率放大器的灼熱信號。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
An ultra-slim active inline preamp that fits seamlessly between your mic and mic pre,
providing a massive +28dB of clean, transparent gain for all your dynamic and passive ribbon microphones.
Sophisticated class-A design and specially-selected high-grade FETs for a signal boost without coloration
Vastly lower output impedance and nearly half the noise of anything else on the market to raise any mic level with clarity
Always a consistent +28dB regardless of the connected load to enable mics with a lower output
Provides improved level to a preamp – all without adding noise or coloration, bringing new life to your favorite passive microphones
All-metal housing and premium finish ensures the DM1 can handle demanding on-tour or recording/broadcast studio lifestyles
Gold plated XLR connector for loss-free reliable signal connection
Perfect for podcasting, recording, or live sound