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RODE Caster DUO Podcast 混音器

RØDECaster Duo 是Podcast和Youtuber內容創作者的最佳音訊解決方案。RØDECaster Duo 將革命性的功能與卓越的音質、無限的可定制性和無與倫比的易用性相結合,是您為內容錄製令人難以置信的音頻所需要的一切。
可搭配最多兩個 RØDE Series IV 發射器(包括Wireless GO IIWireless ME

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  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
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NT$17,955 NT$18,900

RODE Caster DUO Podcast 混音器

  • 適用於Podcast和Youtuber內容創作者的緊湊型集成音頻製作工作室
  • 超低噪聲、高增益 Revolution Preamps™(-131.5dBV EIN,76dB 增益)
  • 兩個高品質 Neutrik® 組合輸入,用於連接麥克風、樂器Line in設備
  • 內置無線接收器,最多可連接兩個 RØDE Series IV 發射器(包括Wireless GO IIWireless ME
  • 七個可單獨分配的通道,帶有四個廣播質量的實體Fader和三個虛擬Fader
  • 高性能四核音頻引擎
  • 工作室級 APHEX® 音頻處理和板載效果器
  • 六個完全可編輯的 SMART 打擊墊,總計8頁可以切換
  • 3.5mm TRRS 輸入,用於連接耳機和耳麥
  • 雙USB-C接口,可連接兩台電腦或移動設備
  • 高級 Bluetooth® 連接可實現高質量的電話通話整合
  • 多軌或立體聲錄音到 microSD™ 卡、USB 存儲設備或電腦
  • 兩個高功率耳機輸出和平衡的 ¼ 英寸線路輸出
  • 5.5 英寸高清觸摸屏,帶觸覺反饋和旋轉編輯鈕,便於導航和控制
  • 通過定期固件更新獲得新功能和增強功能
  • 在 RØDE 位於澳大利亞悉尼的最先進設施中設計和製造

適用於任何設置的雙 USB-C 接口


對於直播者來說,這意味著您可以通過第一個 USB-C 接口將游戲電腦的聲音輸入混音台。從那裡,混音器將通過第二個 USB-C 接口將完成的聲音傳輸到處理直播的電腦/行動裝置。

無論您是直播、玩遊戲還是創作引人入勝的內容,RodeCaster Duo 的 USB-C 連接都適合任何設置。



內建強大APHEX 處理效果

Caster Duo帶有知名 APHEX 效果處理器,可進行多種聲音調整,包含
Low cut ( 低音濾波 ) -> De-Esser ( 唇齒音調整 ) -> EQ (等化器調整) -> Gate ( 閘門 ) -> Compressor ( 壓縮器 ) -> Exciter ( 激勵器 ) -> Panning (左右聲道比重調整 ) -> Echo ( 迴音 ) -> Reverb ( 殘響 )  

可為您的聲音提供令人驚嘆的錄音室品質潤色。但這還不是全部。您還會獲得一系列效果,包括您的聲音、音效等。無論您的技能或經驗水平如何,RodeCaster Duo 的板載處理都能幫助您輕鬆獲得專業級的聲音。

Caster Duo 提供了多軌錄音及雙聲道錄音的功能,可以透過MicroSD卡、USB設備進行分軌錄音。若選擇多軌錄音時,須注意 Pre FaderPost Fader 選項的選擇。簡單來說 : Pre Fader 提供原始的乾聲音,Post Fader 是透過 Caster Duo聲音調製後的軌道。


If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.


The Ibanez Tube Screamer, in its many versions and forms can be found on pedal boards in every corner of the globe, on arena stages and in small studios and bedrooms.

Its warm overdrive is a sound many players, from advanced to beginner, could never do without. Now, it gets even better with the TS808HW deluxe version

built with the pro musician in mind. Encased in a special, heavy duty metal box, the TS808HW is hand-wired with select JRC4558D chips (same as the revered and often imitated TS808)

and uses high-end, Japanese OFC cable (AWG21). Equipped with True Bypass, this Tube Screamer sends pure guitar

excitement to your amplifier with no tonal loss whatsoever. This is by far the most evolved Tube Screamer ever created.

•Limited Production •Completely Hand-wired

•Overdrive, Tone and Level controls •Japanese MOGAMI OFC Cable

•True Bypass •Required Current: 8mA@9V

•Power Supply: One 9 volt battery (006P) or external AC adapter (Use only DC 9V (Center-negative))

True bypass switching provides the shortest, most direct signal path, as well as the cleanest tone. Input is on the right side. Output is on the left side.

Charvel once again ups the ante for modern high performance combined with elegant style and crushing tone

with the Pro-Mod DK24 platform. These stunning new instruments are designed especially for a new breed of player whose musical vision and versatility knows no boundaries.

The Dinky body’s smaller design with deep curved bouts make for seamless technical playing,

while its lighter weight allows for hours of comfortable playing without shoulder fatigue.

DK24s are available with multiple bridge options including the Gotoh® 510 tremolo,

Floyd Rose® 1000 Series double-locking tremolo or Charvel HT6 string-through-body hardtail bridge.

Control your guitar’s total output with a low-friction designed volume knob.

The tone control employs a “no-load” design that bypasses the entire tone circuit when at 10,

giving a stronger and defined signal to your amplifier.

This five-way “super” blade switch grants you a level of control and personalization between the pickup

configurations not possible with traditional blade switches.




反拍樂器 實體門市

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