Radial USB-Pro Stereo USB DI

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
USB 電腦直連盒
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
USB-Pro 是一款高分辨率立體聲數字音頻轉換器和直接盒,旨在連接到任何計算機並將數字音軌無縫轉換為一對平衡模擬輸出。If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 高性能 24bit/96kHz 數字音頻轉換器
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 即插即用,無需驅動程序
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 3.5mm耳機輸出測試信號
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 平衡 XLR 輸出為混音器或 PA 供電

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
無論您是在舞台上播放背景音樂、進行音頻演示,還是在活動中扮演 DJ 的角色,USB-Pro 都是在筆記本電腦和任何音響系統之間提供高質量無噪音連接的最簡單方法。為簡化即插即用而設計,USB-Pro 將自動在包括 Windows 和 Mac 在內的所有流行操作系統的音頻設置中列為可用聲卡,並帶有 24bit/96kHz 數模轉換器,可保持音頻信號的質量. 一對立體聲平衡 XLR 輸出允許您連接到麥克風前置放大器、PA 系統、調音台,甚至是有源揚聲器,並帶有板載電平控制,可快速輕鬆地調節音量。如果遇到任何噪音。粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.