PSI Audio A17 MS STUDIO Pure white 監聽喇叭 七吋
- 完全模擬接線,無需 DSP
- 用於正確立體成像的補償相位響應
- 揚聲器:1x 160 毫米/1x 25 毫米
- 功率:80 + 40 W RMS
- 頻率範圍:43 – 23,000 赫茲(-6 分貝)
- 容差:+/- 2.5 dB (50 – 20,000 Hz)
- 相位公差:+/- 45° (180 – 20,000 Hz)
- 最大限度。聲壓級 (1m):103 分貝
- 平衡 XLR 輸入
- 尺寸:200 x 320 x 230 毫米
- 重量:7.5 公斤
- 顏色:白色

A17-M 的成功故事
只有你知道你的故事從哪裡開始,誰知道它會帶你去哪裡?使用 A17-M,您可以在每一步都相信自己的判斷。更好地聆聽,更快地創造。
您可以信任您的揚聲器,因為正是它們的聲音為 PSI Audio 贏得了全世界音頻專業人士的尊重。基於 40 多年的經驗和不斷的發展,A17-M 是權威的近場監聽音箱。在沒有低音炮的情況下全面評估您的工作——例如,使用Sub A125-M增強 A17-M 。無論您需要講述什麼故事,A17-M 都能幫助您傳達信息——您絕對應該傾聽的朋友。
當您找不到適合您想要通過揚聲器實現的聲音精度的驅動器時,您會怎麼做?在 PSI Audio,我們決定建立自己的。
PSI Audio A17 M Pure White 中使用的高音揚聲器是獨一無二的,我們自己開發並在瑞士製造中手工製造。優於任何市場購買的解決方案,我們的高音揚聲器提供無與倫比的清晰度、微妙性和保真度。製作這款高音揚聲器花費了很多時間和精力——當然比從國際供應商那裡購買要多得多。
Flat Response

Each speaker is individually calibrated in our anechoic chamber and is delivered with its frequency response sheet. A proof of quality.
Extend the low frequencies and add power
Use one of PSI Audio’s Subwoofer / LFE to add more energy and low end to your A17-M:
What do you do when you cannot find a driver appropriate for the sonic accuracy you want to achieve with your speaker?
At PSI Audio, we decided to just build our own then.
The tweeter used in the A17-M is unique, our own development and built by hand in our manufacture in Switzerland.
Superior to any market-bought solutions, our tweeter offers unparalleled clarity, subtlety and fidelity.
It took a lot of time and effort to create this tweeter – certainly a lot more than buying one from an international supplier would have.
Stereo is more than just volume differences between the left and right channels.
Phase relations are paramount to determine the accurate position of a signal in the acoustic space –
and hence equally important in the development of PSI Audio speakers.
The accurate phase alignment provided by PSI Audio CPR technology recreates the vivid spatial listening experience
as it was intended. Instrument placement, reverb envelopes, even compression artefacts are easy to identify with the phase-corrected reproduction of PSI Audio speakers.