Presonus Eris E4.5 監聽喇叭
- 卓越的性能和優質性價比
- 4.5 英寸複合低音單體喇叭,1 英寸超低質量絲質圓頂高音單體喇叭ㄋㄋ
- 50 瓦 AB 類放大器(每個揚聲器 25 瓦)
- 平衡 1/4″ TRS、非平衡 1/8″ TS、RCA 和裸線輸入
- 1/8″ 立體聲耳機輸出
- Acoustic Tuning 控件可讓您平緩響應以提高混音精度
PreSonus Eris E4.5媒體監聽喇叭是音樂愛好者、內容創作者和遊戲玩家的理想之選。
它以優雅、精實的外形非常適合家庭使用,提供與專業 Eris 系列工作室監聽器相同的錄音室品質聲音和準確的頻率響應。
內置 EQ 控制和集成耳機放大器等功能使您可以輕鬆調整 Eris E4.5 監聽器,以獲得定制的聆聽體驗。

粉絲頁直接詢問 :
Acoustic Tuning controls let you flatten response for mixing accuracy
Balanced 1/4″ TRS, unbalanced 1/8″ TS, RCA, and bare-wire inputs
50-watt Class AB amplification (25 watts per speaker)
4.5″ woven composite woofer, 1″ ultra-low-mass silk-dome tweeter
Outstanding performance and value
complete with a professional recording studio and live-sound venue designed by the world-famous Walters-Storyk Design Group.
Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, PreSonus in 2014 moved into its new digs,
professional music-production tools for musicians and audio engineers.
PreSonus was launched in 1995 with the mission of building affordable,
and co-founder Brian Smith (VP of Engineering), a fellow LSU engineering graduate,
The brainchild of current Chief Strategy Officer Jim Odom – a musician, producer, and LSU graduate in electrical engineering,
PreSonus: gear designed by musicians, for musicians
PreSonus: gear designed by musicians, for musicians
PreSonus: gear designed by musicians, for musicians
PreSonus: gear designed by musicians, for musicians
PreSonus: gear designed by musicians, for musicians
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings
PreSonus® Eris®-series studio monitors are used worldwide by audio engineers who need to hear every detail of their recordings