PLAY LIKE JIMI HENDRIX Play Like 系列分析並教導每一位傳奇樂手在他著名的許多歌曲之中所使用的設備、音色、技巧、風格、樂句等等。每本書皆包含線上範例音頻,以及收錄完整的歌曲。
NT$912 NT$960
FROZEN Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack and its catchy music has been a smashing success in the movie theaters and beyond.
Funk & Hip-Hop Drumming Private Lessons Series Essential Grooves, Fills, and styles by ED ROSCETTI. The accompanying CD cotains tracks.
Ray Luzier’s Double Bass Drum Techniques Hand & Foot coordination, Drum fills, and Warm-up Exercises. HAL.Leonard.
DRUMSET SYNCOPATION Advanced Techniques and Studies for Playing Between the BeatsDrumset Syncopation picks up where beginning drum methods.