Play like Jaco Pastorius Play Like 系列分析並教導每一位傳奇樂手在他著名的許多歌曲之中所使用的設備、音色、技巧、風格、樂句等等。每本書皆包含線上範例音頻,以及收錄完整的歌曲。曲目:Barbary Coast…
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Double Bass Drumming Techniques 爵士鼓雙踏技巧 is a comprehensive resource that covers virtually every aspect of douvle bass drumming.
Speed Mechanics For Drums is the ultimate technique book for today’s faster playing styles-a roadmap to mastering the many facets.
THE DRUM RECORDING HANDBOOK are the foundation of just about any kind of music, and a great drum sound is essential to a great recording
Rock Drumset Solos 8 Contemporary pieces. This book provides challenging solos for drummers interested in supplementary lesson…