- 將 1/4 英寸(平衡或非平衡)轉換為 XLR 平衡輸出。
- 防止意外的幻象電源損壞。
- 變壓器隔離允許地面提升以消除嗡嗡聲。
- 專屬於 DSP 吉他效果器、PAD採樣機所用
- 隔離訊號改善Line in『扁扁電電』的音色!
For DSP Guitar Rigs……
Pinstripe Pedals DISO+
如果您正在使用 FX DSP 模擬/負載盒,例如新的 UA Ruby/Dream/Woodrow、Strymon Iridium、Line 6 HX Stomp、Walrus ACS1、Line 6 HX Effects、Two Notes Torpedo Live、Torpedo CAB 或 Headrush Gigboard,並且在現場連接它們時,您不應使用直接盒(用於阻抗匹配),而應使用“線路隔離器”。這些模擬器在 ¼ 英寸連接器上有輸出,但在出現接地環路噪聲時無法接地。線路隔離器不會像直接盒那樣降低信號電平,但會保持線路電平,同時在將吉他信號運行到主 PA 時提供接地提升和消除噪音的能力。此外,變壓器隔離可確保調音台的幻象電源永遠不會接觸到 FX 踏板的輸出。

For Percussion Pads…
大多數打擊墊(Roland SPD-S、SPD-SX、Alesis Samplepad、Yamaha DTX 等)在 1/4 英寸連接器上都Line Out,但沒有 XLR。這些不需要 DI 的阻抗匹配也會降低電平。
DISO-Plus 旨在始終為您提供乾淨、清晰的信號。我們使用真正的 Jensen Transformers 線路變壓器、Switchcraft 和 Neutrik 的高可靠性全金屬連接器以及 Grayhill 的頂級密封開關,一次一個地手工構建它們。
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
Converts 1/4 inch (balanced or unbalanced) to XLR balanced output.
Protects from accidental phantom power damage.
Transformer isolation allows for ground lifting to kill hum.
1/4 inch outputs allow connection to powered monitor(s)
Passive Summing network for 1/4 inch outs for Amp or FRFR
XLR Summing mod available (See other listing!)
Acts as a patchbay eliminating the need to repatch the board between rehearsal and stage.
Keeps signal level high and tone intact.
If you are using FX DSP simulation/load boxes such as the new UA Ruby/Dream/Woodrow
Strymon Iridium, Line 6 HX Stomp, Walrus ACS1, Line 6 HX Effects
Two Notes Torpedo Live, Torpedo CAB, or Headrush Gigboard and are interfacing them in a live situation
you shouldn’t be using a direct box (for impedance matching) but should be using a “line isolator”.
These simulators have outputs on ¼ inch connectors but no way to ground lift in the event of ground loop noise.