
NUX Mini Monterey VIBE NCH-1 水聲 效果器

NUX Mini Monterey VIBE NCH-1 水聲 效果器 蒙特利爾Vibe真實重現了60-70年代迷幻搖滾的宏大而復雜的吉他音色,這個混合了合唱、旋轉喇叭和相位效果的小傢伙能夠給你的吉他音色塗上一層宏大的神秘感。

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NT$2,470 NT$2,600

NUX Mini Monterey VIBE NCH-1 水聲 效果器

NUX Mini Monterey VIBE NCH-1 水聲 效果器
蒙特利爾Vibe使吉他產生一種獨特的效果音色,我們可以在Pink Floyd的歌曲Breathe, Robin Trower的歌曲Bridge of Sighs以及Jimi Hendrix的Machine Gun中聽到這種經典的音色。這種音色混合了合唱、顫音、旋轉喇叭和相位等多種效果。

Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is


Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is


Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is


Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is

蒙特利爾旋轉效果和一般的效果擁有更強的聲音渲染,對於喜好將合唱效果放到過載效果之前的樂手來說,蒙特利爾比小溪更適合一些。蒙特利爾還是製造60-70年代迷幻搖滾以及之後的後搖(POST ROCK)的利器。她也可代替電管風琴喜歡使用的旋轉喇叭效果。另外,也不要遺忘了附加的顫音功能,她是衝浪音樂必不可少的效果。

Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is

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Excellent digital delay is more than the simple repetition of sound. It’s a dynamic creation of consecutive sound… desired consequence.When great sound engineers mix multiples When great sound engineers mix Excellent digital delay is

NUX Mini Monterey VIBE NCH-1 水聲 效果器

反拍樂器 實體門市

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