
NUX Mighty Bass 50BT 藍芽 貝斯音箱

NUX Mighty Bass 50BT 藍芽 貝斯音箱 是一款多功能低音放大器,適用於練習、排練和錄音。配備優質 6.5″ 外放揚聲器,由 50 瓦經典 D 功放驅動。使功放小巧便攜。即使是帶有 DI 輸出的小型俱樂部,您也可以在臥室中使用它。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
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  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
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NT$8,455 NT$8,900

NUX Mighty Bass 50BT 藍芽 貝斯音箱

NUX Mighty Bass 50BT 是一款多功能低音放大器,適用於練習、排練和錄音。配備優質 6.5″ 外放揚聲器,由 50 瓦經典 D 功放驅動。使功放小巧便攜。即使是帶有 DI 輸出的小型俱樂部,您也可以在臥室中使用它。NUX 標誌性的 TSAC 建模技術為您帶來各種美好聲音放大器模型和所有基本效果,具有出色的可玩性和響應。脈衝響應技術為您提供更多的 Cab 聲音,這真是一個強大的低音放大器。

EFX: K Comp、Rose Comp、Touch Wah、Uni Vibe、Phase 100、RC Boost、TScream、Muff。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.


The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

CAB IR: AGL DB810、AMP SV212、AMP SV410+Tweeter、AMP SV810、Bassguy 410、Eden 410、MKB 410、TRC 410 和 8 個用於第 3 方加載的空插槽。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

MOD: ST 合唱,鑲邊,第 100 階段

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.


The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

Mighty Bass 50BT 的藍牙功能不僅僅是音頻播放。您還可以使用 MightyAmp 移動應用程序控制放大器。
我們的免費 MightyAmp 應用程序提供了大量的放大器模型、低音箱體 IR 和效果器。最好的部分是您可以將所有參數保存到每個通道以備將來使用。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

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The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.


亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

反拍樂器 實體門市


分類: ,
  • 輸入阻抗:IN​​PUT 1M ohms,AUX-IN 100K ohms
  • 最大輸出功率:60W RMS
  • 揚聲器:6.5”、4ohm、60W、FRFR 揚聲器
  • 頻率響應範圍:40Hz ~ 16kHz
  • 電源:DC28V,4A(中心負極)
  • 尺寸:300mm x 225mm x 326mm
  • 重量:7.2公斤


亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

反拍樂器 實體門市
