NUX Atlantic Delay&Reverb NDR-5 空間 效果器
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

70’s (40ms – 400ms): 70年代延遲,還原模擬BBD器件建立的溫暖、渾厚音色。
60’s (55ms – 550ms): 60年代延遲,還原磁帶作為載體的延遲效果,其聲音特性較為豐滿多汁,並帶有磁帶獨特的摩擦感、粗糙感。
80’s (80ms – 800ms): 80年代延遲,精確、乾淨、清晰的數字延遲。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
平板混響: 音色豐富的人工混響,充滿泛音的混響效果。
大廳混響 : 模擬宏大空間的山谷回音音箱效果。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

粉絲頁直接詢問 :
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.