Novation Launchkey 61 MK3 61鍵MIDI

Novation Launchkey 25 MK3 25鍵MIDI是我們為Ableton Live 音樂製作而推出的一款直觀易用、高度集成的MIDI 鍵盤控制器。無論是音樂創作還是演奏,它都能滿足您的一切需求。無論是“新手”還是“大神”,您都能藉助Launchkey 展現無盡靈感,呈現更加豐富的音樂表達形式。音階及和弦模式和強大的琶音器能幫助您的音樂創造力更上一層樓,激發更多新靈感。自定義模式和全尺寸MIDI 輸出則讓Launchkey 成為任何音樂製作設置的強大核心。
Launchkey is our intuitive and fully integrated MIDI keyboard controller for making tracks in Ableton Live, designed to give you everything you need to create and play your music. Made for creators of all abilities, Launchkey gives you inspirational tools to expand your musical vocabulary. Scale and Chord modes and a powerful arpeggiator push your musical creativity and help start new ideas. Custom Modes and a full-size MIDI output transform Launchkey into a powerful centrepiece of any music-making setup.Launchkey gives you unrivalled access to Ableton Live’s functions, including Capture MIDI, track arm, quantise, click and loop controls. Not using Ableton Live? No problem, Launchkey also has full integration with Logic and Reason, plus out of the box functionality with other DAWs including Studio One, Cubase and Pro Tools, via HUI.Inspirational features include Scale Mode, Chord Modes and a powerful arpeggiator, which together extend your musical capabilities and let you create in new ways. Scale Mode transposes keys and pads played to notes in the scale selected; three chord modes let you trigger complex chords with one finger, while the powerful arpeggiator gets melodies moving, fast. Strum Mode, introduced with firmware v1.1, lets you strum chords, for even more playing potential.
Ableton Live 集成
Launchkey讓您可以無比自如地使用Ableton Live中採集MIDI、音軌準備、量化、節拍器及Loop循環控制等功能。Ableton Live新手?不用擔心,Launchkey可與Logic和Reason實現完全集成,還可通過HUI協議“開箱即用”地控制其他DAW(數字音頻工作站),包括Studio One,Cubase和Pro Tools等。

提供25、37、49 和61 鍵型號,讓您更自如挑選適合自己的款式。25 和37 鍵型號非常適合需要時常移動的製作人和表演者,以及裝置小巧的人。49 和61 鍵版本是大型設置的理想選擇,對於那些想要更多琴鍵,以及通過推子和推子按鈕進行更多手動控制的人來說更適合。

全尺寸五針MIDI 輸出可以連接任何MIDI 兼容設備。使用Novation Components 配置四個自定義模式,將Launchkey 的旋鈕、推子和打擊墊映射至軟件和硬件功能。
Launchkey 是獨立運行的,因此無論有沒有電腦,它都是任何音樂製作設置的理想控制器。音階、和弦模式、琶音器和自定義模式均可用於控制全硬件工作室或現場裝備。

Ableton Live 10 Lite 業界領先的音樂創作軟件,可與Launchkey無縫操作。
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Splice Sounds兩個月會員訂閱。獲取上百萬高質量且免版稅的單拍、循壞和預設,且每天都有新發行。
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AAS Session Bundle為音樂製作人提供的琴鍵、吉他和合成器插件,為您的曲目提供核心聲響。
Novation Sound Collective為尋找新聲音的Novation用戶提供源源不絕的靈感來源。Collective時常加入新東西,為您定期增添新靈感,在音樂之旅上不斷進化。