
Neumann MT48 錄音介面

Neumann MT 48 錄音介面 Neumann MT 48 是一款毫不妥協的桌面音訊接口,擁有超凡的規格,並包含大量適合工作室使用的功能。首先,MT 48 是唯一針對 Neumann 著名的錄音室麥克風及其出色的 KH 系列錄音室監聽器和 NDH 系列耳機進行最佳化的介面。除此之外。


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NT$68,305 NT$71,900

Neumann MT48 錄音介面

MT 48 是一款不折不扣的音訊介面。憑藉其巨大的動態範圍、卓越的轉換器、前級和耳機放大器,它樹立了音質的新標準

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

內部 DSP 電源允許透過複雜的 EQ 和動態處理進行監聽混音 – 所有這些都可以透過觸控螢幕直觀地控制

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

同類產品中首款能夠捕捉 Neumann 麥克風全動態範圍的音訊接口,與 KH-Line 錄音室監聽器和 Neumann 耳機實現最佳匹配

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.


If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

高精度 AD 轉換器提供了 136 dB 的驚人動態範圍。這使得 MT 48 的解析度是同類音訊介面的四倍

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

MT 48 是一款集音訊介面和數位混音器於一體的產品

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

可以僅使用其 DSP 處理進行監聽,也可以在錄音時列印效果。或同時兩者!

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

LINE_ALBUM_NEUMANN MT48錄音介面 商品圖(尚未上架)_230925_4

MT 48 是同類產品中首款能夠捕捉 Neumann 廣受好評的麥克風全動態範圍的接口。

並且專門針對該公司的 KH 系列錄音室監聽器和 NDH 系列耳機進行了優化。

此 USB-C 音訊介面的高精度 AD 轉換器可提供令人驚嘆的 136dB 動態範圍,其低雜訊麥克風前級擴大機可提供高達 78dB 的增益。

水晶般清晰的類比電路、最先進的 AD/DA、一流的板載耳機擴大機 — MT 48 為桌面音訊介面樹立了新的基準。

為任何應用提供足夠的 I/O

無論您從事什麼類型的項目,Neumann MT 48 都可以勝任。




需要更多 I/O?沒問題。MT 48 支援 ADAT、S/PDIF 和 AES67 數位擴充。您還可以獲得板載 MIDI I/O。

靈活的內建 DSP 和直覺的觸控螢幕控制

MT 48 包括內建 DSP,為您提供完全參數化的 4 頻段均衡器、每個通道的功能豐富的動態處理器以及錄音室品質的混響

您可以直接從裝置直覺的觸控螢幕控制四個獨立的監聽混音(附效果)此外,您可以僅使用 MT 48 的 DSP 進行監聽。


If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

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If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

The Thalia Capo is not only the easiest, most feature rich capo you’ve ever used;

it’s also a complete rethinking of the capo as a piece of guitar art.

_The patented design is just as intuitive as it is beautiful. It’s engineered to fit your instrument perfectly & keep it in tune

and has the unique ability to easily slide from fret to fret, opening up all kinds of creative playing possibilities!

You can now make super smooth transitions between songs, or even compose songs with key changes in the middle of the song./p>

Thalia Capos are stunningly crafted and expertly designed with you, the musician, in mind.

It’s perfect for classical guitars, 6-string guitars, acoustic guitars, electric guitars & banjos.

The Thalia Capo 200 Series features over 30 improvements,

The Thalia Capo’s unique, patented design means that you can squeeze the capo with your fretting hand in its natural position on the neck.

We have also gone to great lengths to design a capo that will not take your guitar out of tune

this is done by offering interchangeable fretpads so that you can match the fretboard radius of your instrument.

Every capo comes with a microfiber cleaning/gig pouch along with our

New” OctaveTouch Standard Tension Universal Fretpad installed on the capo for 6 string Guitars and the

New” OctaveTouch HighTension for 12 string guitars , ukuleles, Banjo’s and other guitars that have a Low Profile Neck

Banjos and certain guitars with low profile necks.

_The Thalia Capo is not only the easiest, most feature rich capo you’ve ever used; it’s also a complete rethinking of the capo as a piece of guitar art.















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