
MXL 990 電容式大振膜麥克風

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NT$3,563 NT$3,750

MXL 990 電容式大振膜麥克風 含麥克風避震架

990 仍然是業界最具突破性的話筒之一。990 是第一款可供工作音樂家使用的高品質電容話筒,具有 FET 前置放大器和大振膜,可在數字和模擬錄音中提供真正專業的音質。這款革命性的電容話筒以其柔滑、高端和緊湊、紮實的中低音再現繼續讓藝術家們驚嘆不已。

To achieve this we use The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.

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To achieve this we use The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.

MXL 990 電容式大振膜麥克風

To achieve this we use The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.The 990 remains one of the industry’s most ground-breaking microphones. The first high quality condenser microphone to come into reach of working musicians, the 990 has a FET preamp and a large diaphragm for truly professional sound quality in both digital and analog recordings. This revolutionary condenser microphone continues to astound artists with its silky, high end and tight, solid low and midrange reproduction.


亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

反拍樂器 實體門市







20 赫茲 – 20 赫茲





0.5% THD 的最大聲壓級



200 歐姆


20 dB(A 加權 IEC 268-4)


幻象電源 48V (+- 4V)


60 毫米 x 130 毫米 / 2.36 英寸 x 5.11 英寸 544.3 克/1.2 磅




亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

反拍樂器 實體門市
