Mono M80 Sleeve EB ASH 薄灰 電貝斯 琴袋
M80 Sleeve
M80 Sleeve Electric Bass Case 旨在成為輕便和簡單旅行的極簡解決方案,它是 MONO 的創新保護和高品質構造標準融入超薄時尚設計的地方。
MONO 按照軍用規格製造,僅使用具有極高耐磨性和耐候性的高測試材料。在裡面,毛絨襯裡保護精緻的定制飾面。

與 Vertigo 一樣,Sleeve Electric Bass Case 是 Top-Loading®,可快速、直立地使用。它的設計讓您可以快速拉開琴袋的拉鍊並將吉他從頂部拉出。
堅如磐石的工業織帶手柄是 MONO 箱子的標準配置。Bar-tack 縫線和鋼鉚釘增強了強度,而高級織帶提供了超級舒適的抓地力。

琴袋表面採用 Headlock® 的更纖薄變體——MONO 的專利頸部懸掛系統。這款更纖薄的 Headlock 由堅固的吸震 EVA 橡膠模製而成,可在跌落時保護頸部和琴頭免受撞擊。當您的吉他拉上拉鍊時,它的琴頸會自動固定在 Headlock 的輪廓凹槽內。

在底部,Sleeve Electric Bass Case 具有超薄的 EVA 鞋墊,可讓琴身遠離地面,並在外殼過於用力放下時保護背帶銷不會觸底。
Sleeve Electric Guitar Case, Ash The Sleeve Electric Guitar Case is designed to be a minimalist solution for traveling light and simple, and it is where MONO’s innovative protection and high quality construction standards are merged into a super slim and stylish design.
360° PROTECTION Like the Vertigo, the Sleeve Electric Guitar Case is Top-Loading® for quick, stand-up access. Its design allows you to quickly unzip the case and pull your guitar out from the top.
The case features a slimmer variation of the Headlock® — MONO’s patented neck suspension system. This slimmer Headlock is molded from solid, shock-absorbing EVA rubber to protect the neck and headstock from impact during falls.
When your guitar is zipped-in, its neck is automatically secured inside the Headlock’s contoured groove.
SMART STORAGE The Sleeve Electric Guitar Case features a messenger bag style storage pouch that’s perfect for small laptops, tablets, notebooks, cables and other extras that you might need when traveling light. A small interior mesh pocket keeps those little, critical items close at hand.
MONO cases are built to military specs, using only high-test materials with extreme resistance to abrasion and the elements. Inside, the plush lining protects delicate custom finishes.