Epiphone Les Paul Studio E1 – Heritage Cherry Sunburst 夕陽漸層
- 雙 Epiphone 雙線圈拾音器輸出大量音調,沒有任何線圈底噪聲
- 單獨的拾音器音量和音調控制讓您呈現完全正確的聲音
- 桃花心木琴體提供出色的音符延音延展性
- Tune-o-matic 琴橋和 Stopbar 拉弦板鎖定並傳遞每個音符的細微差別

Les Paul Studio E1 的經典 Les Paul 力量來自兩個斑馬線圈陶瓷雙線圈拾音器。老式 Les Pauls 的擁有者經常取下他們的拾音器蓋以獲得更好的低音響應和磁力拉力,露出下面的黑色和白色線軸。陶瓷拾音器比老式 Alnico 磁鐵拾音器具有更高的輸出,旨在提供緊湊的低端響應,同時具有平滑的中音和更明顯的高端音色。幾十年來,陶瓷磁鐵一直是金屬和硬搖滾吉他手的最愛。Les Paul Studio LT 的節奏位置為 650R,主音位置為 700T。控件包括每個拾音器的音量和音調以及全金屬 3 路拾音器選擇器。
經典的 Les Paul 風格
Les Paul Studio E1 擁有新玩家在經濟實惠的情況下獲得獨一無二的 Les Paul 聲音所需的一切。全桃花心木琴身採用雕刻面板,比全尺寸 Les Pauls 更輕、更纖薄,因此便於長時間練習和演出。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
Affordable, Full-featured Les Paul with an Attitude!
The Epiphone Les Paul Studio LT 6-string electric guitar gives you all the standard Les Paul tone, controls, and swagger at a super-affordable price.
Epiphone presents the new Les Paul™ Studio E1, an incredible introduction to the world’s greatest electric guitar that is affordable for everyone.
and premium die-cast 14:1 ratio machine heads. An optional case is also available.
Lifetime Guarantee: Like all Epiphones, the new Les Paul Studio E1 comes with Epiphone’s world famous Limited Lifetime Guarantee and Gibson 365/24/7 Customer Service.