KORG EK-50L Limitless 電鋼琴
EK-50 Limitless 強大的喇叭輸出提供兩倍的功率
EK-50 具有自動伴奏功能,可立即將您的演奏變成一個整體,已成為初學者和高級演奏者的首選樂器。EK50 L 具有同樣出色的功能,但揚聲器功率增加了一倍。它具有專門設計的揚聲器系統,能夠提供兩倍於 EK-50 的音量 (*),因此您不必依賴 PA 系統。與 EK-50 一樣,它可以使用電池供電,因此可以輕鬆上路以提高性能。
* 基於聲壓級 (SPL) 的比較。
為了匹配更高功率的揚聲器,EK-50 L 採用黑色橡膠塗層,增加了耐用性,並採用兩種顏色的面板印刷,便於觀看:紅色和白色。當切換風格或填充,或使用合奏功能時,面板增加的易讀性允許用戶巧妙地導航他們的表演。
除了 EK-50 上已有的各種聲音外,EK-50 L 還增加了新的聲音和背景風格。新增了 87 個預設音色、18 個預設鼓組和 24 個鍵盤組,每個組組合了四個聲部。這些新增功能補充了 EK-50 的預設,讓您的指尖感受更多聲音。還添加了 10 種背襯圖案樣式。新的聲音添加強調了最新的現代舞曲風格。

Skoove is the fastest and easiest platform for learning to play the piano. Based on the three steps, “hear, learn, play,” Skoove lets you have fun while you learn.
More than ten courses and more than 300 songs are provided, and more are constantly being added. Whether you are just starting piano or can already play,
Skoove provides lessons that match your needs and skill. Three months are included.
Module is a high-quality mobile sound module app only for iOS, with a pro-level sound library that’s ideal for both performance and music production. Module includes even more grand piano sounds and studio-quality classic keyboard sounds.
Gadget 2 Le app is a mobile music production app for iPad/iPhone that provides a vast collection of synthesizers and drum machines called “gadgets,” and lets you freely combine these to produce music via an intuitive user interface.
“KORG Module” and “KORG Gadget 2 Le” can be used to expand the sounds and functions when they are connected to the XE20
(requires a separately sold USB cable for connection to your PC, or a USB cable + Lightning-USB camera adaptor .
If you’ve ever wanted to play or perform your favorite songs, or thought of a melody that could become an original song, KORG is here to help you realize your musical potential. The KORG EK-50 is an entertainer keyboard that you can enjoy on any musical level, and an instrument that grows along with you.
Automatic accompaniment “Styles” provide an entire backing band you as you play the keyboard. From the moment you start playing, the rich accompaniments are created to inspire you to add phrases as they come to mind.
The EK-50 is equipped with automatic accompaniment functionality called .