
EarthQuaker Devices Space Spiral 延遲效果器

EarthQuaker Devices Space Spiral 延遲效果器 如果你是喜愛老式油罐延遲或是經典磁帶延遲所產生的陰鬱回聲,Space Spiral 絕對會讓你的音色骨頭感到愉悅。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
  • 門市提供免費試聽服務

NT$6,460 NT$6,800

EarthQuaker Devices Space Spiral 延遲效果器

  • 設計:黑暗且夢幻的調制延遲效果器
  • 音色特點:模仿舊式油罐延遲和磁帶延遲的音色
  • 延遲時間範圍:從30ms到600ms,適用於經典回聲和大範圍的節奏洗禮
  • 無限回音:可調節重複次數,實現無限振盪效果
  • 靈感來源:數位初期回聲處理器
  • 用途:適合探索奇幻音效及穿越星際的音樂體驗


1. 時間 (Time):延遲時間範圍從30ms到600ms;順時針為長延遲,逆時針為短延遲。

2. 重複 (Repeats):控制延遲信號的再生。順時針增加重複,並在大約3點鐘位置開始進入自我振盪模式。此振盪會無限延續,直到重複旋鈕調回3點以下。即使在繞過模式下,這些振盪仍會持續。

3. 混合 (Mix):將延遲信號與乾信號混合;順時針為更多,逆時針為較少。

4. 深度 (Depth):控制所需的調製量;順時針為更多,逆時針為較少。

5. 形狀 (Shape):將波形從柔和的三角波轉變為顛簸的方波,隨著順時針旋轉。

6. 速率 (Rate):控制調製的速度;順時針為快速,逆時針為較慢。





亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

This model is part of Fender’s Traditional II series, which honors the brand’s rich history while incorporating contemporary features.

The guitar features a gloss-finished basswood body, providing a balanced tonal foundation.

The White Blonde (WBL) finish offers a sleek, timeless appearance. – **Neck:** Equipped with a 9.5-inch radius “U”-shaped maple neck, it provides comfortable playability suitable for various playing styles.

The neck is adorned with 21 vintage-style frets, enhancing its classic appeal. – **Pickups:** The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

_The vintage-style string-through-body bridge with three brass saddles contributes to its resonant sound.

As a limited edition model, the **Fender Japan LTD Traditional II 50S Tele MN WBL** is not widely available.

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a guitar that combines Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

t features a gloss-finished ash body, a “U”-shaped maple neck with a 9.5-inch radius, and 21 vintage-style frets,

offering a comfortable playing experience.

The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

A 6-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge ensures stable tuning and intonation. The natural finish highlights the ash body’s grain,

giving it a timeless aesthetic. A soft case is included for protection and portability._

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a distinguished electric guitar that merges Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

This model features a gloss-finished ash body, providing both aesthetic appeal and a resonant tonal quality.

The “U”-shaped maple neck, complemented by a 9.5-inch radius fingerboard and 21 vintage-style frets,

offers a comfortable playing experience reminiscent of 1970s Fender guitars.

Equipped with original pickups selected specifically for the Traditional series,

this Telecaster delivers authentic, musical vintage tones. The six-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge

ensures precise intonation and sustain. Additionally, the slightly narrower nut width caters to players seeking enhanced playability.








反拍樂器 實體門市

貨號: 10625003 分類: ,


  • 尺寸:4.75 x 2.50 x 2.25 英吋(121 x 64 x 57 毫米),包含旋鈕
  • 電流消耗:38 毫安
  • 輸入阻抗:1 MΩ
  • 輸出阻抗:<1 kΩ
  • Flexi-Switch® 技術
  • 此設備配備 Flexi-Switch® 技術!這種基於繼電器的真繞過開關方式,允許同時使用瞬時和鎖定式開關。
  • 標準鎖定操作:輕按一次腳踏開關以啟動效果,再按一次以繞過。
  • 瞬時操作:按住腳踏開關,直到您希望使用效果為止。放開開關後,效果將被繞過。
  • 由於開關是基於繼電器的,因此需要電源才能通過信號。
  • 電源
  • 此設備使用標準 9 伏 DC 電源,具有 2.1 毫米負中心插頭。我們始終建議使用專為效果器設計的變壓器隔離牆插電源或多輸出隔離式電源。若電源有雜訊或不乾淨的電力,效果器會產生額外噪音。開關型電源、串聯電源和非專為效果器設計的電源,無法有效過濾不乾淨的電力,會讓不需要的噪音進入。不要使用更高的電壓!

反拍樂器 實體門市