DARKGLASS – Microtubes Infinity 破音效果器 錄音介面
- 多用途單塊效果器 – 將其用作前置放大器、DI、音頻接口、失真踏板、壓縮器或以上所有功能!
- 具有 5 個預選脈衝響應的正無窮模式(使用 Darkglass Suite 應用程序添加您自己的 IR)
- 具有 5 種模式選項和多頻段均衡器的負無窮大壓縮器
- 內置 5 個八度音程的調音器
- 觸摸感應 6 段圖形均衡器可讓您在寬頻率範圍內控制高達 -/+12dB 的頻率
- 多個傳奇的 Microtubes 失真——正常和多頻段模式下的 Microtubes B3K 和 Vintage Microtubes 失真,Microtubes X 和 Vintage 模式的 Era 控制
- 兩用腳踏開關提供推動和旋轉操作,可輕鬆進行微調設置
- 存儲預設以便即時調用您最喜歡的音色
- 無限連接方式 – 平衡 L/R 立體聲輸出、USB-C、MIDI、XLR 直接輸出和接地開關以確保信號清晰
- 3.5 毫米輔助輸入和耳機輸出,帶音量控制,可在有電源的任何地方進行靜音練習
- 兼作 Mac 或 PC 的音頻接口
- 可通過 USB/藍牙連接到 Darkglass Suite 的附加功能和選項
IR、壓縮、6 段均衡器和調音器
Microtubes Infinity 為所有音色奠定了堅實的基礎。該裝置預裝了五種脈衝響應,可容納多種風格的標誌性低音放大器。使用位於信號鏈末端的 6 段圖形均衡器可以進一步優化聲音。每個 EQ 滑塊都提供 +/-12dB 的衰減或增強,甚至可以在 Darkglass Suite 中修改滑塊範圍以獲得更極端的控制。為了保持音調緊湊,Infinity 提供了一個腳踏開關控制的壓縮器。壓縮器有五種比率(4:1、8:1、12:1、20:1 和全壓),甚至可以馴服最荒謬的輸入水平。它甚至為壓縮器提供了一個用戶友好的智能補償增益算法,以確保輸出始終可用。由於沒有經過適當調諧的低音,上述任何事情都無關緊要,Infinity 配備了 5 個八度音階半音調音器,

Microtubes Infinity 還兼作音頻接口。無論您選擇什麼 DAW,無論您使用 Mac 還是 PC,Infinity 都兼容,甚至可以錄製立體聲!對於最大控制,Infinity 可以同時記錄您處理過的和未處理過的信號。每個都被記錄到兩個不同的軌道上,您可以在受單元影響的情況下使用它們,或者使用未處理的軌道在後期進行繁重的提升。單塊效果器提供了豐富的 I/O。有平衡的 L/R 立體聲輸出、一個 USB-C、一個 MIDI 輸入、一個 XLR 直接輸出,甚至還有一個接地開關,以確保信號清晰。
G6 Series Solid Top Grand Auditorium Cutaway w/ Fishman EQ
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world class construction, the G6 Grand Auditorium is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air
the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X Bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
Cap it off with an easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics, and this is your new go-to stage and studio guitar.
G6 Solid Top Grand Auditorium w/Cutaway and Fishman EQ
Grand Auditorium w Cutaway
Top Material: Solid Spruce
Headstock Inlay: Recording King Classic
Every guitar in Recording King’s G6 Series has been cheered as that rare beast: an elegant workhorse.
With its distinctive tortoiseshell styling and world-class construction, the RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a must-have guitar.
The Grand Auditorium body shape marries comfort and volume. With enough space to really move some air, the solid spruce top and fully scalloped X-bracing bring out shimmering highs and extraordinarily balanced lows and low-mids.
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium offers simple elegance for players who want great sound and volume with a simple,
clean design. Other features include a solid spruce top and bone nut and saddle for classic tone and sustain, a simple,
, yet aesthetically pleasing tortoise rosette, easy-access cutaway and Fishman’s renowned Presys electronics
The RGA-G6-CFE5 G6 Grand Auditorium acoustic-electric is a great go-to guitar for stage or studio work.