CORDOBA STAGE Traditional Natural Amber 琥珀色 跨界電古典吉他
- 一款適合舞台使用的原聲電吉他,提供豐富的古典音色和現代電子產品的吸引力
- 箱體實心桃花心木琴體為吉他的聲音帶來溫暖、圓潤的音色
- 與傳統雲杉面板相比,實心雪松面板提供更溫暖、更圓潤的音色,第一次掃弦時的演奏效果更佳
- 與 Fishman 共同開發的電子系統透過琴體和琴弦共鳴提供精確的音調捕捉
- 桃花心木“C”形琴頸一定能滿足各種風格和背景的演奏者的需求
- 非輻射玫瑰木指板將為經驗豐富的古典吉他手提供熟悉的感覺

CORDOBA STAGE Traditional 將為任何舞台增添色調和美學吸引力。這把吉他的面板裝飾著一塊漂亮的實心雪松板,使它立刻引人注目。由實心桃花心木製成的腔室琴體還減輕了其重量並增加了共鳴,以在長時間的練習過程中最大限度地減少演奏疲勞。最後,符合人體工學的「C」形桃花心木琴頸讓舞台上和在家練習時更加舒適。如果不是一見鍾情,就是玩過一次!

無論您的古典表演前往何處,都可以隨身攜帶舞台傳統 CD。這款聲電運動電子產品是與 Fishman 共同開發的,可以精確地發出聲音。由於琴枕下的感應器與身體麥克風相結合,琴弦的振動和吉他的聲音都可以從電子系統中直接捕捉。與舞台拾音系統前級擴大機搭配使用,這款古典 Cordoba 為聽眾帶來溫暖、豐富的音色和夢幻般的中頻。
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
Take the Stage Traditional CD wherever your classical performances take you.
This acoustic-electric sports electronics co-developed with Fishman to deliver its tone with precision.
Thanks to an under-saddle transducer coupled with a body mic,
both vibrations from the strings and the voice of the guitar receive direct capture from the electronics system.
Pair that with a Stage Pickup System preamp and this classical Cordoba treats listeners to a warm,
rich tone with fantastic midrange — a big reason it has become a favorite among classical guitarists around Sweetwater.
will grace any stage with style in terms of tone and aesthetic appeal.Combining time-tested classical tones with cutting-edge modern electronics, the \
a bold new step forward for the hybrid nylon-string acoustic-electric formula. This chambered classical brings warm, round tones to the table with a body crafted and chambered from solid mahogany.
Topside, a solid cedar top produces a remarkably rich, mellow, and responsive voice that contrasts the brightness of a traditional spruce
top with a slightly rounder, more worn-in flavor. Gigging guitarists will appreciate the Cordoba Stage Traditional CD’s exceptional plugged-in tone,
coming courtesy of its under-saddle transducer and body mic coupled with a Stage Pickup System preamp. Finally, a stout “C”-shaped mahogany neck and rosewood fingerboard will keep your hand comfortable fretting chords and stretching to notes for hours during practice and performance.