Chapman ML1v2 MODERN Storm Burst 樹瘤紋漸層灰 電吉他
- 桃花心木琴體 – 提供深沉且延音豐富的聲音;飾有令人驚嘆的白蠟木貼面頂部,外觀高檔。
- 經典反頭造型創造更強低弦
- 更薄的C型琴頸曲線、消光處理滾邊削切紙板邊緣、造就極度滑順不卡手的手感
- Seymour Duncan 美國 Pegasus/Sentient 拾音器— 高輸出雙線圈拾音器提供巨大的力量和清晰度以及充足的強大中頻。期待飆升的延音和水晶般清晰的高音,無論是乾淨的還是失真的!
- 3 段拾音器開關和線圈分離— 總共產生 6 種不同的聲音,實現卓越的音調多功能性。透過拾音器開關存取 3 個標準雙線圈拾音器音調,並使用推拉音調旋鈕將其線圈分開,以獲得 3 個額外的單線圈聲音。
- 穿弦式硬尾琴橋— 增強延音,單獨的鞍座可實現精確的動作和語調設定。
- Graph Tech TUSQ 螺帽 – 低摩擦材料可最大限度地減少不必要的調音滑動。

ML1 X 透過我們自己的 Chapman Consentus HSS 套件提供其音色多樣性。透過 5 路開關,您可以撥出您想要的每種音色。
Chapman ML1v2 Modern Stormburst 擁有輕薄的桃花心木琴體,提供共鳴的音調基礎。這款樂器採用白楊樹節貼面面板以及符合人體工學的下號角和琴頸,旨在傳達玩家喜好與高品質。

這款火焰楓木琴頸冒著熱氣。Chapman 偏愛的 C 形琴頸雕刻提供了時尚感和舒適感,使這把吉他成為挑剔的演奏者的理想之選。光滑的琴身表面進一步增強了琴頸的演奏性能,提供了超快的Attack琴弦反饋感。
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
A Macassar Ebony fretboard on a flame maple neck is an irresistible combination for the guitarist considering the ML1 X.
As well as the C-shaped neck carve and the rolled fretboard edges,
there’s a glorious satin finish that makes this guitar smooth to play.
Chapman’s ML1 X’s thin lightweight Mahogany body and gloss Ash veneer is an exquisite blend
of form and function and is perfect for the cross-genre musician.
It’s ergonomically contoured but the shape and build also provides a balanced tonal foundation.
The ML1 X delivers its tonal versatility through our very own Chapman Consentus HSS set.
With a 5 way switch you’ll dial in every tone you can dream of.