B&W PI5 真無線耳機 藍芽降噪耳機
追求完美 英國Bowers & Wilkins
“如果你製作的產品更加出色,它們都會得到音樂發燒友的光顧。”這句話簡單樸實,卻一針見血地體現Bowers & Wilkins創立者John Bowers經營公司所秉持的理念。在John Bowers去世後三十年的今天,這句話依然是推動公司勇往直前的驅動力。

PI5使您可以使用兩個內置麥克風來進行高質量的電話通話,降噪功能以及環境直通模式。搭載 Qualcomm 的 TrueWireless Stereo Plus 技術,可確保左右耳機同步率,且支援 apt-X。它可利用耳機兩側的收音麥克風,收集環境聲音特徵,再根據指定模式進行降噪。PI5 耳機的續航力為 4 小時,支援 Siri 及 Google 助理


在充電盒的前面板上,大的LED指示燈將亮綠色,藍色或紅色,以顯示電池或藍牙配對模式的狀態。當您打開頂部面板的蓋子時,有一個小的圓形按鈕可以進行藍牙配對模式,以便您可以將其與智能手機配對。在LED指示燈下方,按下時,一個大的橢圓形按鈕會將耳機連接到Bowers&Wilkins Headphones應用程式。



they will enter a power saving mode. To exit power saving mode,
PI5 does not have a power control, instead the power management is automatic.
Your PI5 earbuds will automatically charge when placed into the charging case, and will be ready to use when they are removed from the case.
When your earbuds are removed from the charging case,
and not used for 5 minutes, they will enter a power saving mode
To exit power saving mode, start using the earbuds again by connecting your paired device, streaming
audio or placing the earbuds into your ears.
Each earbud has a Multi-function button located on the top cap of the earbud,/p>
see Diagram 1. The Multifunction button controls are as follows:
Voice Assistance is activated by pressing the right (R) earbud Multi-function button for 1 second. See Digram 2 for button location.
PI5 features ambient pass-through which lets some external noise from the surrounding environment,
such as safety announcements or conversations, to be heard without taking the headphones off.
Ambient pass-through can be enabled or disabled through
Bowers & Wilkins headphone App. The level of ambient pass-through, High/Low/Off,
can be adjusted to suite your needs through the App.
PI5 incorporate our latest enhanced wear detection sensors in both earbuds.
The sensors enable intelligent battery conservation by entering power saving mode when removed from the ears.
When worn again, PI5 automatically wakes and connects to the last connected Bluetooth device.
The sensors will also pause audio when the earbuds are removed from your ears.