Bose L1Pro8 攜帶式 陣列喇叭 PA系統
最便攜的 L1 Pro 系統
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
L1 Pro8 隨時準備就緒,可實現更輕鬆的加載和更快的設置。它通過帶有 8 個鉸接式 2 英寸釹制驅動器的 C 形線陣列提供廣泛的覆蓋範圍。該陣列提供 180 度水平覆蓋和廣泛的垂直分散,讓您的聽眾無論是坐著還是站著都能清楚地聽到,即使在咖啡店和咖啡館等中小型場所的極端兩側也是如此。The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
帶有獨特 RaceTrack 驅動器設計的集成低音炮可為您提供強勁的低音、優化的重心並節省大量空間。這款纖薄的 7″ × 13″ 驅動器為您提供可與傳統 12″ 低音揚聲器相媲美的性能,而沒有笨重的尺寸,在您的車內和舞台上騰出空間,並讓您在車內、車內和場地之間進行每次攜帶更輕鬆。The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
每個 L1 Pro 系統都具有內置混音器,因此您可以輕鬆連接各種樂器、麥克風和其他來源。您將獲得兩個組合 XLR-1/4” 幻象供電輸入、1/4″ 和 1/8″(3.5 毫米)輔助輸入以及藍牙® 流媒體功能。發光的旋轉編碼器讓您可以即時訪問每個通道的音量、音調和混響設置。在針對現場音樂、錄製音樂等的優化系統 EQ 預設之間進行選擇。並通過專用 ToneMatch 端口添加更多樂器和其他音頻源 — 一根電纜在系統和 Bose T4S 或 T8S 混音器(可選)之間提供電源和數字音頻。The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.