Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO X Limited Edition 封閉式 監聽耳機
- 限量 100 週年紀念錄音室耳機,採用封閉式、耳罩式設計
- 詳細的 Stellar.45 驅動器系統開發出真正平衡的輸出,每個頻率都具有清晰的細節 – 非常適合工作室混音、監聽、高保真播放等
- 巨大的 5–40,000Hz 頻率響應確保混音的每個細節都清晰可見
- 超柔軟的絲絨耳墊在長時間的錄音室會議中提供卓越的舒適感
- 輕質框架促進無縫旅行和工作室移動
- 48歐姆阻抗
- 視覺限量版頭帶圖案
- 包括 3.5–6.3 毫米插孔適配器和抽繩手提袋

工作室認可的 Stellar.45 聲音
Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO X 具有更長的音圈和更新的 NdFeB 磁鐵,可在更輕的工作負載下提供高效的訊號傳輸。事實上,DT770Pro X Century 耳機非常輕,可以以令人難以置信的 48 歐姆運行。結果是具有最小音頻損失的標誌性拜亞動力輸出。從發燒友到錄音室製作人以及介於兩者之間的任何地方,拜亞動力清脆、高清聲音設計的粉絲都會陶醉於這些新驅動器所具有的現代性。
Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO X 的舒適性一直是拜亞動力產品設計的首要考慮因素。 DT 770 Pro X Century 耳機也不例外。超柔軟的絲絨耳墊帶有軟墊內部,確保輕柔地貼合您的耳朵;同時,輕盈、有襯墊的可調式頭帶可確保個人化的貼合感和感覺,即使在最長的錄音或製作過程中也能持久。同樣,輕質結構確保了往返工作室或在路上的便捷運輸。首先,DT 770 Pro X Century 耳機的頭帶側面具有定制的拜亞動力限量版圖案,保證您始終擁有房間裡最好看的「手機」
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
有任何問題歡迎加Line詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
Comfort has always been at the forefront of Beyerdynamic’s product design. DT 770 Pro X Century headphones are no exception.
Ultra-soft velour earpads with a cushioned interior ensure a gentle hold around your ears; meanwhile,
the lightweight, padded adjustable headband ensures a personalized fit and feel that lasts for even the longest recording or production sessions.
Likewise, a lightweight construction ensures easy transport to and from the studio
or on the road. To boot, the DT 770 Pro X Century headphone’s headband side features a custom
Beyerdynamic limited edition graphic — guaranteeing you’ve always got the best-looking ‘phones in the room.
high-definition sound design will revel in the modernity these new drivers have in store.
From audiophiles to studio producers and everywhere in between, fans of Beyerdynamic’s crisp,
DT770Pro X Century headphones run on at an incredible 48 ohms. The result is signature Beyerdynamic output with minimal audio loss.