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停產 耳朵牌 Behringer XENYX Q502USB 混音器 直播器



  • 官方授權指定經銷商
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 備有工程師可提供經驗分享&教學

NT$2,660 NT$2,800


Behringer XENYX Q502USB 混音器

超緊湊型 XENYX Q502USB 調音台的 5 路輸入(1 路麥克風,2 路立體聲)借助其板載錄音室級 XENYX 麥克風前置放大器和超音樂“英式”通道均衡器,讓您輕鬆獲得優質聲音。我們易於使用的“單旋鈕”壓縮器提供全面的動態控制,以實現終​​極的衝擊力和清晰度,同時尊重您融入每個音符的所有力量和情感。除此之外,我們英式均衡器的甜美寬容和卓越的易用性 – Q502USB 成為您現場表演的難以置信的多功能調音台。但 XENYX Q502USB 不僅設計用於處理您的現場演出;它還提供了製作令人驚嘆的專業品質錄音所需的最先進的工具。連同其內置的 USB/音頻接口,

The ultra-compact XENYX Q502USB mixer’s 5 Inputs (1 mic, 2 stereo) allow you to effortlessly achieve premium- quality sound, thanks to its onboard studio-grade XENYX Mic Preamp and ultra-musical “British” channel EQ. And our easy-to-use “one-knob” compressor provides total dynamic control for the ultimate in punch and clarity, while respecting all the power and emotion you pack into every note. Add to this, the sweet forgiveness of our British-style EQ and superb ease of use – and the Q502USB becomes an incredibly versatile mixer for your live performances. But the XENYX Q502USB isn’t just designed to handle your live gigs; it also provides the state-of-the-art tools you need to make stunning, professional-quality recordings. Along with its built-in USB/audio interface, the Q502USB mixer comes with all the recording and editing software needed to turn your computer system into your own personal high-performance home recording studio.

反拍樂器 實體門市

  • 優質的超低噪音、高動態模擬混音器
  • 最先進的幻象供電 XENYX 麥克風前置放大器可與獨立精品前置放大器相媲美
  • 錄音室級壓縮器,超級簡單?單旋鈕?用於專業人聲和器樂聲音的功能和控制 LED
  • 內置立體聲 USB/音頻接口可直接連接到您的計算機。免費錄音、編輯和播客軟件以及 150 個樂器/效果插件,可從 behringer.com 下載
  • 新古典“英式”2 段均衡器,帶來溫暖而悅耳的聲音
  • 主混音,2-Track 加上獨立的耳機輸出
  • 可分配到耳機輸出或主混音輸出的 2 軌輸入
  • 3 年保修計劃*
  • 在德國設計和製造

  • Premium ultra-low noise, high headroom analog mixer
  • State-of-the-art, phantom powered XENYX Mic Preamp comparable to stand-alone boutique preamps
  • Studio-grade compressor with super-easy ?one-knob? functionality and control LED for professional vocal and instrumental sound
  • Built-in stereo USB/Audio Interface to connect directly to your computer. Free audio recording, editing and podcasting software plus 150 instrument/effect plug-ins downloadable at behringer.com
  • Neo-classic "British" 2-band EQ for warm and musical sound
  • Main mix, 2-Track plus separate headphone outputs
  • 2-Track inputs assignable to headphone output or main mix outputs
  • 3-Year Warranty Program*
  • Designed and engineered in Germany

反拍樂器 實體門市