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耳朵牌 Behringer XENYX 302USB 混音器 直播器

  • 官方授權指定經銷商
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 備有工程師可提供經驗分享&教學

NT$2,660 NT$2,800


需要一個方便的小型混音器供會議室使用,或者您可以在出門時用筆記本電腦拿起一個?或者您不想將寶貴的桌面空間交給大型調音台? XENYX 302USB 非常適合小型家庭工作室或忙碌的錄音愛好者。 XENYX 302USB 長約 4 英寸,寬 5 英寸(117 x 135 毫米),配備我們最先進的幻象供電 XENYX 麥克風前置放大器、XLR 和 ¼ 英寸組合輸入以及立體聲 USB/線路通道 – 加上一個專用的 2 軌輸入。由於 XENYX 302USB 可以直接通過筆記本電腦的 USB 插座供電,它是播客和即興錄音的完美便攜式混音器!另外,超緊湊的 302USB 帶有所有錄音和編輯軟件所需的將您的計算機系統變成一個完整的,高性能家庭或便攜式錄音室。

Need a handy little mixer for the boardroom, or one you can grab with your laptop on the way out the door? Or maybe you don’t want to give up valuable desktop real estate to a large mixer? The XENYX 302USB is ideally suited for a small home studio or the on-the-go recording enthusiast. At approximately 4″ long and 5″ wide (117 x 135 mm), the XENYX 302USB features one of our state-of-the-art, phantom powered XENYX Mic Preamps, an XLR & ¼ ” combination input and a stereo USB/Line channel – plus a dedicated 2-Track input. And since the XENYX 302USB can be powered directly via your laptop’s USB socket, it’s the perfect portable mixer for podcasting and impromptu recording! As a bonus, the ultra-compact 302USB comes with all the recording and editing software needed to turn your computer system into a complete, high-performance home or portable recording studio.

反拍樂器 實體門市

  • 帶USB/音頻接口的超緊湊超低噪聲模擬調音台
  • 通過 USB 或外部電源適配器供電(隨附)
  • 內置立體聲USB/音頻接口,可直接連接到您的電腦
  • 最先進的幻象供電 XENYX 麥克風前置放大器可與獨立精品前置放大器相媲美
  • 新古典“英式”2 段圖形均衡器,帶來溫暖而悅耳的聲音
  • 可分配到耳機或主混音輸出的 2 軌輸入
  • 主混音加上單獨的耳機輸出
  • 3 年保修計劃*
  • 在德國設計和製造

  • Ultra-compact and ultra-low noise analog mixer with USB/Audio interface
  • Powered through USB or external power adaptor (included)
  • Built-in stereo USB/Audio interface to connect directly to your computer
  • State-of-the-art, phantom powered XENYX Mic Preamp comparable to stand-alone boutique preamps
  • Neo-classic "British" 2-band graphic EQ for warm and musical sound
  • 2-Track input assignable to Headphone or Main Mix output
  • Main Mix plus separate Phones output
  • 3-Year Warranty Program*
  • Designed and engineered in Germany

反拍樂器 實體門市