
Avid Sibelius 標準版(免費一年更新,永久授權)

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  • 一年免費更新

Avid Sibelius 標準版(免費一年更新,永久授權) 從音樂廳到教室,使用 Sibelius 的作曲家、編曲家和教育工作者比任何其他樂譜軟件都多。發現使用世界上最暢銷的記譜工具編寫和分享音樂的最簡單方法。

NT$4,560 NT$4,800

Avid Sibelius 標準版(免費一年更新,永久授權)

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

從音樂廳到教室 了解如何使用世界上最暢銷的製譜工具輕鬆創作和共享音樂。

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

推出iPad 版Sibelius

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

從沙發到咖啡店,只需動動手指就可以使用您最心儀的Sibelius 工具隨時隨地處理樂譜了。借助全新的移動版Sibelius,您可以無縫切換桌面設備和iPad,無需放慢步調。最棒的是,它不僅可以免費隨附所有桌面版本,還能以獨立應用程序的形式提供給您。

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.


From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

  • Sibelius 軟件— 需要下載(包括軟件安裝程序和用戶指南)
  • Sibelius 移動應用程序(適用於 iPad) ——需要從 Apple App Store 單獨下載
  • 聲音庫 — 10 GB 的專業品質樣本
  • 附加軟件—AudioScore Lite 音頻轉錄軟件、PhotoScore 和 NotateMe Lite 音樂掃描和手寫識別軟件

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

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From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators use Sibelius than any other music notation software. Discover the easiest way to write and share music with the world’s bestselling notation tool.

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