
Apogee Duet3 LE 錄音介面 限量版套裝

Apogee Duet3 升級您的家庭錄音室錄音,或使用 Duet 3 LE 將錄音室帶到任何地方。使用簡化的輸入和輸出底座清理您的辦公桌,並使用 Apogee 最好的 EQ 和混響插件來修飾您的聲音。與 iOS、Mac 和 Windows 相容!

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  • 實體門市 / 網路同步預購
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問

NT$25,175 NT$26,500

Apogee Duet3 LE 錄音介面 限量版套裝

Apogee Duet3 傳奇的音質、全面的便攜性和硬件 DSP 都在一個美麗的新設計中結合在一起!

傳奇的 AD/DA 轉換器

Duet 具有傳奇的 Apogee AD/DA 轉換的兩個輸入和四個輸出,以及兩個世界一流的前置放大器,是您家庭和移動工作室的完美搭檔。連接麥克風、吉他、鍵盤和線路電平設備以捕捉每一個細節。通過揚聲器的兩個真正平衡的線路電平模擬輸出,監控和混合聲音的完整深度和維度。並且,通過零歐姆耳機輸出為您的耳機供電,實現專用耳機混音。

Apogee Duet3


高品質錄音最關鍵的組件之一是您的前置放大器,Apogee Duet 中的前置放大器是世界一流的。憑藉高達 65dB 的增益和 48v 幻象電源,您可以使用要求最嚴苛的麥克風清晰準確地捕捉任何音頻源。一絲不苟的 Apogee 工程,即使在您提高增益時,也能降低噪音和失真。

Apogee Duet3

Symphony ECS Channel Strip 由傳奇混音師 Bob Clearmountain 調音,包括均衡器、壓縮和飽和度控制,可讓您創建通道 FX 的最佳混合,用於跟踪人聲或原聲樂器。從多個手工製作的 Clearmountain 預設中進行選擇,並通過 Duet 的板載硬件 DSP 以零延遲進行錄製。

Duet 3 LE 中包含*:

Apogee Duet3

Apogee Duet3

Duet 多功能數字控制器旋鈕為控制監聽電平和麥克風前置增益提供了一種奢華的感覺,同時還通過紫色 LED 背光為桌面界面風格增添了亮點。外形完美,可在您的桌面上進行人體工程學控制,低調的機身頂部帶有防刮蓋玻璃,具有現代外觀和堅固感。

Apogee Duet3

Apogee Duet3

Sound quality comes first, but elegant design is a close second. After all, you’re always hands-on, controlling listening level and mic pre gain, so why shouldn’t the centerpiece of your studio have a high-end look and feel? The Duet multi-function digital controller knob delivers a luxurious-feel for dialing in monitor levels and mic pre gain, while also giving the desktop interface style accents backlit with purple LEDs. Perfectly contoured for ergonomic control on your desktop, the low profile body is topped with scratch-resistant cover glass for a modern look and solid feel.

Apogee Control 2 Software

The all new Apogee Control software gives you complete access to all Duet functions and features including the Symphony ECS Channel Strip FX running on Duet’s hardware DSP. Apogee Control 2 is shared across all current and select previous generation Apogee products and will enable Apogee support and engineering to quickly react to future macOS and Windows OS updates helping to ensure Duet 3 compatibility for your workstation.

Apogee Channel FX (ACFX)

With the Apogee Channel FX plugin you can open and control your input channels directly from your DAW. Adjust gain, turn on phantom power, set your monitor level and control and Print FX from the Symphony ECS Channel Strip – do it all without losing focus on your session.

Get up to 50% off Apogee plugins when you buy Duet 3

Obsessively crafted by the same team that designs all Apogee hardware and software products, Apogee FX and FX Rack plugins offer superior sound quality, and full bandwidth performance (44.1 to 192.kHz) for all DAWs on your Mac. From visually modern interfaces that allow you to precisely shape and contour your sound to meticulously modeled vintage hardware that is so accurate it has been endorsed by the hardware manufacturer, Apogee plugins will quickly find their way into your daily recording tool kit.


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