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Ampeg Rocket Bass RB-112 1×12 100瓦 貝斯音箱

Ampeg Rocket Bass RB-112 1×12 100瓦 貝斯音箱 搭載 Rocket Bass 的 Legacy 前級、3 段 EQ、Ultra Lo/Hi 音色開關,以及特別調校的導孔式 Eminence 喇叭,讓你能輕鬆駕馭任何樂器並獲得震撼的低音音色。

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NT$18,050 NT$19,000

Ampeg Rocket Bass RB-112 1×12 100瓦 貝斯音箱

  • 經典 Ampeg 低音音色隨身帶著走
  • 復刻 1960 年代 Rocket 系列放大器的視覺設計
  • 標誌性黑色鑽石紋包覆
  • 經典閃耀網布設計
  • Ampeg Legend 前級放大與 3 段 EQ,營造從鄉村到搖滾的磅礴低音音色
  • SGT 破音效果提供銳利音色與持續延音
  • 特殊調校的 12 吋 Eminence 喇叭與低音反射式箱體設計
  • 平衡 XLR 輸出可傳送後級音色(EQ、音量、效果迴路後)至混音台或錄音設備
  • SVT 血統的 Ultra Lo/Hi 開關,增強低頻與高頻表現
  • 效果迴路可靈活加入效果器與機架設備
  • 0dB/-15dB 樂器輸入,適用於主動與被動拾音器
  • 1/8 吋 AUX 輸入,方便與伴奏音樂一起演奏
  • 1/8 吋耳機輸出,適合練習與錄音

傳承 60 年代外觀與飽滿 Ampeg 低音音色,隨身帶著走!

100 瓦的 Rocket Bass RB-112 貝斯音箱為行動樂手帶來經典外觀與不朽的 Ampeg 音色。特別是 1960 年代 Ampeg Rocket 系列的粉絲,肯定會喜愛 RB-112 的黑色鑽石紋包覆與標誌性亮片格柵布。當然,各類貝斯手都能透過這款便攜式解決方案,隨時隨地享受 Ampeg 令人難以抗拒的澎湃音色。

RB-112 搭載 Rocket Bass 的 Legacy 前級、3 段 EQ、Ultra Lo/Hi 音色開關,以及特別調校的導孔式 Eminence 喇叭,讓你能輕鬆駕馭任何樂器並獲得震撼的低音音色。此外,前面板配備 0dB 與 -15dB 兩組輸入,可輕鬆適應高輸出的主動雙線圈拾音器或被動復古單線圈拾音器。

當你想為節奏增添顆粒感或延長音符的延音時,Rocket Bass 內建的 SGT(Super Grit Technology)增益控制,能從滑順的驅動音色調整至狂野的破音效果,確保音色保持紮實的同時,增添激烈的音色表現。RB-112 甚至具備 1/8 吋 AUX 輸入與 1/8 吋耳機輸出,無論是居家練習搭配音樂播放,或是在演出前於後台熱身,都能輕鬆滿足你的需求。


Rocket Bass RB-112 貝斯音箱結合 Legacy 前級與 3 段 Ampeg 音色調控,帶來標誌性的 Ampeg 力道、動感與低頻吼聲。

此外,Ultra Lo 與 Ultra Hi 開關承襲自 Ampeg SVT 系列,增強低頻與高頻表現。

復古 1960 年代 Ampeg 視覺設計

Rocket Bass RB-112 的設計靈感來自 1960 年代的 Rocket 系列,融合原子時代美學,同時兼顧現代低音需求,打造輕量化設計。


亞洲專業的開箱與評測Youtube平台:Pro Audio Asia

This model is part of Fender’s Traditional II series, which honors the brand’s rich history while incorporating contemporary features.

The guitar features a gloss-finished basswood body, providing a balanced tonal foundation.

The White Blonde (WBL) finish offers a sleek, timeless appearance. – **Neck:** Equipped with a 9.5-inch radius “U”-shaped maple neck, it provides comfortable playability suitable for various playing styles.

The neck is adorned with 21 vintage-style frets, enhancing its classic appeal. – **Pickups:** The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

_The vintage-style string-through-body bridge with three brass saddles contributes to its resonant sound.

As a limited edition model, the **Fender Japan LTD Traditional II 50S Tele MN WBL** is not widely available.

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a guitar that combines Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

t features a gloss-finished ash body, a “U”-shaped maple neck with a 9.5-inch radius, and 21 vintage-style frets,

offering a comfortable playing experience.

The guitar is equipped with original pickups selected for the Traditional series, delivering authentic vintage tones.

A 6-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge ensures stable tuning and intonation. The natural finish highlights the ash body’s grain,

giving it a timeless aesthetic. A soft case is included for protection and portability._

The Fender Japan Traditional II 70s Telecaster Thinline MN NAT is a distinguished electric guitar that merges Fender’s classic design with Japanese craftsmanship.

This model features a gloss-finished ash body, providing both aesthetic appeal and a resonant tonal quality.

The “U”-shaped maple neck, complemented by a 9.5-inch radius fingerboard and 21 vintage-style frets,

offers a comfortable playing experience reminiscent of 1970s Fender guitars.

Equipped with original pickups selected specifically for the Traditional series,

this Telecaster delivers authentic, musical vintage tones. The six-saddle string-through-body hardtail bridge

ensures precise intonation and sustain. Additionally, the slightly narrower nut width caters to players seeking enhanced playability.








反拍樂器 實體門市

貨號: 10701018 分類: , ,


  • 類型: 固態放大器
  • 通道數量: 單通道
  • 總功率: 100W RMS
  • 喇叭: 1 x 12”
  • EQ 控制: 3 段 EQ
  • 輸入端子: 2 x 1/4”(-15dB / 0dB),1 x 1/8”(AUX)
  • 輸出端子: 1 x XLR
  • 耳機輸出: 1 x 1/8”
  • 效果迴路:
  • 腳踏開關 I/O: 1 x 1/4”(SGT)
  • 是否附腳踏開關:
  • 散熱系統: 後方通風口
  • 電源供應: 標準 IEC AC 電源線
  • 高度: 54.4 cm
  • 寬度: 46.2 cm
  • 深度: 36.1 cm
  • 重量: 11.8 kg

反拍樂器 實體門市