Lesson 1
- Finding Your Hand Position
- Free Stroke: Playing from the String
- The Supported Finger Exercise
Lesson 2.
- Forward Arpeggios
- Caprice in C by Carcassi
Lesson 3.
- Reverse Arpeggios
- Prelude in C by Carulli
- The Pre-Crab Exercise
Lesson 4.
- Combining Forward and Reverse Arpeggios
- Study #2 in E Minor by Aguado
Lesson 5.
- Tremolo Technique
- Study #7 in A Minor by Carcassi
- The Crab Exercise
Lesson 6.
- Thumb Independence
- Study #14 in A by Aguado
- Walking Bass
- B› Blues
Lesson 7
- P-i Scale Technique
- Gigue by J.S. Bach Shifting Positions: The Inchworm Technique
Lesson 8...
- Three-to-a-String Patterns
- Chromatic Octaves
Lesson 9.
- Rest Stroke: The Exchange
- Study #20 in A (Part I) by Aguado
- "Thump-to-Pressure"/Balancing the Hands
Lesson 10
- Legato Technique
- Study #20 in A (Part lI) by Aguado
Lesson 11.
- Natural and Artificial Harmonics
- Alborada by Tarrega
Lesson 12
- Rasqueado
- Flamenco Accents and Articulations
- Rumba Patterns
- Blue Rumba