弦墨HsienMo 玲瓏 GA桶身 38吋 全單 可可波羅木 旅行吉他
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
玲瓏系列桶身以Lowden桶身做模版研發,聲音與一般旅行吉他相比下顆粒十足飽滿,在泛音的表現當相當優秀,雖說是小小一隻卻擁有批敵一般全單的聲音。If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
玲瓏系列選用德國雲杉木有高頻脆亮的聲音,在側背板卻有三種的選擇各有不同的聲音特色,桃花心木組合提供溫暖厚實的音色,可可波羅有乾淨純粹的聲音厚度提供溫潤的同時有扎實的顆粒感。If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 型號:玲攏Travel
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 面板:單板德國雲杉木
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 背板:單板可可波羅木
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 側板:單板可可波羅木
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 指板:玫瑰木
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 類型:全單
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.