Sennheiser EW 112P G4 P 無線Mini Mic
廣播級聲音解決方案。 為您的戶外拍攝和現場錄製應用提供最高的靈活性。 一個強大的無線麥克風系統,提供卓越的音質、簡單的安裝和易用性。
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 容易使用而且安裝快速
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 強大穩定的無線傳輸
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 範圍:達到100公尺/330英呎
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- 長達8小時的操作時間
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
- EK 100 G4相機接收器
- SK 100 G4隨身傳輸器
- ME 2夾式麥克風(僅限ew 112 P版本)
- 4顆AA電池
- CA 2相機轉接頭
- CL 1 3.5公釐插口纜線
- CL 100 XLR轉3.5公釐插口轉接頭纜線
- 快速指南
- 安全注意事項
- 製造商聲明頁
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.