
Gravity LTS 01 B 筆電支架(GLTS01B)

Gravity LTS 01 B 筆電支架(GLTS01B) 憑藉其革命性的專利設計,這款筆記本電腦支架極其堅固、輕便且易於運輸。它適用於從 12″ 到 17″ 的所有格式以及 Launchpad、Machine 或 Push 2 等控制器。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
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NT$3,031 NT$3,190

Gravity LTS 01 B 筆電支架(GLTS01B)


憑藉其革命性的專利設計,這款筆記本電腦支架極其堅固、輕便且易於運輸。它適用於從 12″ 到 17″ 的所有格式以及 Launchpad、Machine 或 Push 2 等控制器。它可以在幾秒鐘內折疊成緊湊的尺寸。牢固鎖定的偏心夾有助於快速調整傾斜度並鎖定防滑橡膠塗層擱板和底座,以提供最佳的人體工程學使用。筆記本電腦支架配有桌夾和剪貼板,優雅地安裝在中間機架上。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 可以放置從 12″ 到 17″ 的筆記型電腦

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 也適用於 Launchpad、Machine 或 Push 2 等控制器

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 極其堅固、輕便的鋁製結構

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 快速設置,可調節擱板和底座角度

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 專利機制和設計

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 防滑橡膠墊

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 緊湊的運輸尺寸

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 帶錶夾和實用的剪貼板

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The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

反拍樂器 實體門市

貨號: 11620002 分類: ,


深度:280 毫米
支撐深度:145 毫米
寬度:260 毫米
支撐寬度:200 毫米
高度:270 毫米
最大限度。桌面安裝支架的板厚:55 mm 帶底座,60 mm 不帶底座
重量:1,6 公斤

反拍樂器 實體門市